If the Tek bought AMD

Money aside, what would you guys have done if you actually were able to buy AMD?

Probably get a Furyx for testing ; )

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I would resell gayming/graphics division to nvidya and push forward ARM with cpu division.
x86 is shite.

I think @Wendell hit the nail on the head when he was talking about Valve buying AMD in the recent Tek video ... Their best bet would be to find a way to get in close with the gaming community. PC gamers are the lifeblood of the industry especially at the enthusiast level ... If they could figure out how to deliver the things that gamers want and need, at a competitive price and performance level, and reasonable pace... There's no doubt in my mind that AMD would be able to change their situation around a lot from where it is right now.

Sad part is that it seems these days no matter how well AMD does, its not enough to break the fanboyism coming from the Green Team. AMD matches performance or slightly surpasses and its "meh yeah but its only better sometimes or by a little" but on the Green Team, if they're even a cunt hair ahead of Red Team and its "NvidiaMasterRace 101% performance, 199% price, 0 fucks given"


Couldn't have said it better. I've actually abandoned my dreams of 970 world domination because... That 390... Dayum, Ima get me some of that.

I have yet to see the video, but now that it's brought up i think somebody should buy AMD and go crazy with bang for buck enthusiasts hardware.

It would probably be renamed the Furry X so @lessershoe's typos aren't amiss.

You shut your face. :P

Maybe every time I misspell it it delays my shipment by 3 days

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I would close down few markets that amd participates first thing.

1) I would create subsidiary company from their memory division and keep 40% of their stock in vault.
(This includes memory and ssd business)

2) Would attempt to get partnership deal with Samsung in objective of deal to give NV a lesson but it would benefit AMD more.

3) Speak with US Gov and senators, speak about market and anti-competitive behavior of NV - ensure NV gameworks separates from NV, and is independent as a company. No GPU company should even be in control of performance of competitors GPU.

4) Remove most of management that is unable to provide profits and worthy technologies in R&D dept.

5) Ensure once it has good technology its shipped before NV or Intel release schedules.

6) Getting closer to Vulcan project and participating in OpenGL community closer ~ ensuring drivers are optimized for OpenGL. Not staking MS will be leader always.

7) Releasing blade centers for servers without disclaimer of secrecy, and be released as final product; to compete in cloud market for datacenters.

8) Getting closer to Intel as a friend aka buddy, speak with them about sharing patents without pay for benefit of both companies. (Just like Microsoft and Apple have)

9) Make problems for globalfoundries show them we can go somewhere else if they keep making problems.

10) Slowly consolidate amd stock - ensure there's less stock ~ by buying it out - or ensuring Intel, IBM, Samsung buys it; and a lot of it. Thus making sure they will want to benefit from it and would loose too much if AMD did poorly.

Thats about it, i expect i would fire half of existing staff. Cut wages of CEO and ensure R&D guys and developers get most instead of PR or ceo's etc... this would help promoting amd as place for inventors. Rather than for hi positioned guys that do nothing.

~ Getting intel on this shouldn't be a problem, as they understand that due to bad competition they are loosing profits. People see that since sandy bridge the difference is too small, and many don't upgrade at all because who cares about 2-5% of performance.
(but its not profitable at all to release something new/better as they'll pay up much more - and their costs won't be returned in current market)

Intel is not only loosing their market to ARM because of it, they are also loosing business in server area because companies don't have the hype to replace to newer cpus. If they had strong competition they would be able to make a lot more cash from small gains ~ and could be compared to AMD than to their older CPU's.

11) AMD enthusiasts segment. (this is something that should be spoken with engineers and software developers) do we need memory bandwidth badly? AMD should make a deal with samsung and hynix to share HBM; allow samsung to produce their arm based hbm, and in return make it for amd 20% cheaper to print CPU's/GPU's + make sure they agree that we will state the GPU's are printed by Samsung (so it looks very tasty for samsung as AD, and profit for them) but in reality if GPU's overheat, bad for oc - bad press will go after samsung not amd.

12) Make sure Samsung takes dip in stocks ~ then buy their stock or make a deal to exchange some % of stock for AMD stock and ability to share patents ~ creating something of a union of mutual profit partnership.

13) Port APU's to ARM, and make sure Samsung sells them in their Galaxy phones "for mutual profit". Make sure normal x86 are inside apple iphones ipads.


Only the titan line is overpriced. Everything else is close. MY main problem with AMD is months of promising something huge only to come up short.

They do make better dual gpus though.

Have you ever thought of, or do you, run your own business? Your plan is so simple its genius.

hm, too lazy i think. Some of those would be harder to accomplish than it looks.

But if AMD wants to hire me as CEO I'd take the job for 100k.