making a clicking noise does that mean its about to fail. the software says its fine its not that old either.
its a 2tb western digital black 64 cache. still in warranty. dont really wanna send it back but im pretty sure its about to dead. i did record it on my phone but idk how to upload it to the forum.
Put it on YouTube and send a link. Then we'll talk
Back up anything on it that you don't want to lose, because it is most likely on it's way out. 99% of the time, a clicking noise coming from your hard drive = imminent death. But like SimpsonCake said, upload the video to youtube and we'll have a listen... but I'd start backing up anything important asap.
its just games on it thats it.but ill upload it now hold on.
here is the link
hmmm never heard that before, are you positive its the hdd?
probably should back it up like WhiskeyRanger said if you can
yea its gotta be the drive i checked all screws for knocking noises and the fans i have are corsiar one's with the rubber so theoretically less case noise. like its just steam origin and uplay games. im not worried about backing it up or anything i was just wondering if its about to fail. if so i should try and rma it.
Yeah, that doesn't sound like HDD clicking... I hear some hard drive hashing in there, but it sounds more like an off-balance fan or something. Shut down your computer, unplug your HDD and turn the computer back on. See if the sound is still there.
good idea man hahaha idk why i didnt think of that. ill have to do it tomorrow as i gotta get ready for bed being an adult sucks some times.
i took it out and the noise stopped. so i rma'd it.
thanks for the help guys.