So I found this cute little MOBO online. Now I bet I could find them somewhere else cheaper. Anyways I wanna know what kind these are with the intergrated CPU and where I could find them. Also would ones likes these be good more miniture kick ass gaming rigs? I'm not kidding when I say that. Put 8 gigs of RAM in that and a 7770 and see where it takes us. Anyways cheers. If you can send me to a place that sells these kinds of mobos cheaper and ones that are more powerful that would be awesome.
Those motherboards are more or less designed for commercial application where low-end laptop specification computing power is needed in a small space for a semi-mobile Point of Sale station.
I am pretty sure this is what they put in electronic cash registers lol... there is not much power there. You are better off getting a pentium and a itx board for that price.
A lot of the grey/black PoS stations you see at restaurants have these Chip on board CPU AMD motherboards in them due to their compact size and low noise from not needing a gigantic fan over the CPU. They use very little power, under 30w with some of the CPU choices.