Ideas for The Tek Syndicate Site

Hey I think it would be a good idea if there was a separate menu with official and unofficial community servers and game communities/clans. On the forums I see somebody starting a Minecraft server and another working on a GTA V crew. If it were organized on a separate menu Tek Syndicate could have a presence around every popular game. If a server were to transition from unofficial to official you would need to be a member for example of Tek Syndicate and they could get more members.

All of the official stuff is already here.

The GTA crew and Minecraft server weren't setup by TS themselves, which is why they have their own threads.

What I meant was that instead of a thread a separate place with an index of unofficial and official services so it could be more organized.

There's a spot for that on the rules thread, right?

I agree that there is, but essentially the algorithm to look for something in there if I were using algorithms for an analogy is to search through the entire thread or looking through an entire array until searchingFor==found;. I think it would be a good idea to have a separate menu button that brings the user to a menu that has an index by alphabetical order of different services. A search bar in the top right. For example if you click on M you will see Minecraft and when you click on Minecraft it gives a small window of information of what Minecraft is and at the top if there is an official server it gives the information. Below that in different panels are different unofficial servers. If somebody was a trusted member of the site they can apply to put their server up as unofficial as long as it meets certain parameters. If it is really good and lasts a time period and meets a higher set of parameters it can be a official server.
The possible reward of the time invested is the aggregation of members from different gaming communities that may donate to Tek Syndicate for example and may receive some in game item on Minecraft for example.

I didn't realise that part was updated. Havent been paying much attention to it.

Still though, I haven't bothered putting the GTA crew anywhere in that thread because it isn't a game server.

I would consider it a service though or community affiliated thing