Ideas for games to make

So I am trying to learn Unity and lacking in the ideas department so I would like some ideas for games that I could try to make to learn Unity. Also could you be a bit more specific than just “Make a platformer” or “Make a top down shooter”, something like “Make a platformer where you can do X with Y mechanic” I would prefer, as it wouldn’t be very interesting and I would have no idea where to go after I get the basics done.

Fuck I had some really good game ideas but at the moment I can only think of my meme game.

Make a feminism RPG and each of the “triggers” are your spells. The story is your bi-quadral-sexual sister has forced you to go to Dashcon and you have to fight your way out.

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that is hilarious, i’ll try that

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Glad I could help :3

Do that…
I tried once… I failed… Moved back to pure 2D stuff… Dealing with a third dimension makes my brain hurt…
BTW that is a free android game… I lost some few hundred hours on it…
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thanks, yeah I can see why it would, especially with keeping the player and other things on the sphere. I’ll try it but I doubt i’ll get anywhere

The new South Park games borrows a few of these elements.

Provided you don’t intend to sell the game when you’re done, you can reimplement an existing game that you loved. I plan to eventually startup a project to bring back Lord of The Rings: The Third Age. It was a offbeat RPG set around background characters in The Lord of The Rings.

Would be nice to see more games fuck with scale. Maybe a co op 2d platformer where 1 character is much larger than the other and you have to work together to progress.

Or maybe a platformer where your player gradually grows or shrinks.

all the hostages look like Ajit Pai

it’s not Unity, but you will get noticed :slight_smile:

I would resist the urge to give the hostage rescue team orange hair

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I think an RPG where time is a controllable variable would be cool. Not sure if it’s been done before. But being able to change environments and maybe even characters throughout the game’s history would be fun.