So I have been making a simple program in C that will open torrents and magnet links for me on my other computer. I could have done this very quickly, had I been working in my native environment of Windows 7. However I wanted to take a dive into Linux and learn a new trade. After many more hours then I care to admit I have finally reached the conclusion that working from a simple text editor is not my thing. I don't care about have to compile manually, or work half from a terminal, I just miss the information I got from features like Intelisense. What IDE had the best Code Completion in your experience? I'm not looking for Auto Complete functionality (this actually makes me very upset as I have never found it to work correctly), but just something with a nice Code Completion and/or reference information.
phpstorm? ;) But the jetbrains guys are doing a c/c++ gui for linux. Keep an eye out for that. PHPStorm is The One True IDE. (for PHP, Java, html, javascript, ruby and python)
Thanks for the recommendation. I think either until I start doing more web programming, or anything but C/C++, I will give PHPStorm a try or maybe IntelliJ. When the C/C++ IDE is released I will snag myself a copy of from JetBrains in seconds. If the features specified in their introduction vid are real, I would probably shat myself. However since I focus mainly on C/C++ for personal programs, I will need to wait before justifying money for an IDE for an operating system I don't work on.
Thanks Wendell. The project these programs are potentially for, is my micro Nasferatu.
Just putting my work flow out there, I usually use gedit with plugins and nano (command line editor) for most of my projects (WP plugins and shell scripts). For larger projects I've started using Eclipse.