Can someone tell me if the upcoming Intel Core i7 4790k is compatible with my Maximus VI Hero?
I've looked everywhere and i can't find anything concrete.
Can someone tell me if the upcoming Intel Core i7 4790k is compatible with my Maximus VI Hero?
I've looked everywhere and i can't find anything concrete.
I was putting a build together because i needed a pc but my car broke down and so the money was needed for that and i had to get a i3-4130. Now that i have saved enough i can get a new one. I was thinking of the 4770k but i know Devil's Canyon is coming and i don't know if the 4790k will be compatible with my Maximus VI Hero
MisteryAngel, devils canyon is not a tick. It is only a refresh product. It is still Haswell, but cherry picked and with some better TIM. Intel's tick-tock has everything to do with going from Sandy->Ivy->Haswell, but since Broadwell had to get delayed due to manufacturing delays, they made a bigger refresh than usual of current gen parts.
And Broadwell will be released on Z97, socket 1150. socket 1151 is the rumored socket for Skylake, broadwell's successor in 2015-2016
I'm still confused, do you guys know if intel or asus support can answer my question?
Nehalem -> Westmere -> Sandy Bridge -> Ivy Bridge -> Haswell -> Broadwell -> Skylake -> Cannonlake
Italics = Tick
Regular = Tock
Every tick is a die shrink, every tock is a new microarchitecture. This means Broadwell should be on Socket 1150. Skylake and Cannonlake should be the ones to use Socket 1151. Should being the keyword in all of this.
" While Haswell and the Broadwell-powered 9-series will share the LGA1150 socket, there will be a number of slight changes between the two. The most notable changes are in the V_PROC_IO connection, as it requires a 1.05V power source, VCCST, because of a new type of power supply required, and to THRMTRIP because of a slightly different chip topology. This presents a number of backwards compatibility issues, and means that only motherboards that support refreshed Haswell will be compatible with the 9-series Broadwell chips."
So it looks like it will NOT be compatible with Z87--only z97, but time will tell if the motherbaord manufacturers port back-compatibility somehow.
Yea i gues you are right, devils canyon seems indeed just an upgrade on the current haswell cpu´s cause of the termal issues they have with them. The indeed, the broadwell will be the next cpu, on the Z97.
After then we get a new tok skylake.
"This presents a number of backwards compatibility issues, and means that only motherboards that support refreshed Haswell will be compatible with the 9-series Broadwell chips."
What i understand from this is that if said motherboards support Haswell refresh, they are compatible with z97.
I thing they are not compatible it's just the English that is a bit confusing
I'm so confused, you have proof that it is compatible, another guy has proof that it isn't.
I just e-mailed Asus support.
Will let you know when they answer
devils canyon is not stated as compatible. ☺
Not so--from the information on the net that we do have, Devils Canyon and Broadwell share some of the same topology changes, as outlined in that article I posted. So one cannot be compatible, while the other is not (unless they dont add the microcode support).
it would be very strange to me, if intel launches a new cpu on a socket 1150 board that is not comaptible with a socket 1150 board.
But yeah its all a bit strange if you ask me, but we will see what happens
They share the same topology in that the voltages they changed use the same physical connection--- which differs from regular haswell and the recent haswell refresh. Its a small PHYSICAL change in how it delivers certain power, which is why ASUS would need to get creative. Z97 has this change, z87 does not.
Intel is about to release a new socket 2011 chipset/Haswell-e.. ITS STILL 2011, but completely different than the existing 2011. Intel does alot of weird things...
yeah indeed i do understand the technical diffrences, however intel does realy strange things at the moment if you ask me.
Haswell-E will be on on X99 socket 2011-3 also a strange name yeah i agree.
I try to find as much as possible information about it, but till now nothing realy gives a clear ansewr to it.
So maybe i am damm wrong ☺
I did a clean up on the topic, about my own posts, cause it could be that i was wrong, Since indeed after a bit of deeper research the 4790 is indeed not devils canyon.
sorry for some of the replies that wennt with it as well.
Well hey, at least you admit to possibly being wrong. Most people don't do that from what I've seen.
Beaucoup de respect.
So i got back from Asus support and guess what, since the processors aren't out yet not even they know.
Go to support, download then bios. It should say in one of the previous bios updates from a month back support for new haswell CPU's
yes but not devils canyon. 4790K.
Thats the whole point, its realy strange, but the 4790 and 4790K are 2 diffrent cpu´s.
i also thought that they where the same in the first place, but after a whole night of research, i found out that they aren´t.
And we'll have to wait till they come out because not even they seem to know