Literally, the subject says it all. Still working on the specs for that build im putting in that EVGA case, and after a little reading the i5 might be just fine. Would it be worth the extra for the i7? or save the money for putting into a better video card?
save the money, get the i5, get the better graphics card. I have the i5 4670K, and demolishes most games. The only game where I have issues is PlanetSide 2 when there is about 200 people being rendered on screen my framerate drops down to about 30 fps, but thats mostly due to the engine being unoptimized.
Wait for the 4690K to be released, its going to be released June 2 and should overclock much better than the 4670K plus it will give you an excuse to grab a Z97 motherboard
i am already buying a z97 board lol. I am just wondering, is the only difference between i5 and i7 hyperthreading?
HT is the main difference/consideration between the two. If you're gaming or doing light editing, you simply do not need HT. The i7 is likely to be a bit more efficient, but nothing really tangible.
As far as I can tell the only difference is hyperthreading
might just bump down to the i5 then. save a little money so i can grab myself the 27" monitor i want =D. I know everyone likes the ips displays, but a beautiful 1MS benq just makes me happy. As you can guess i will be mostly gaming.
The i5. No distinguishable difference when gaming.