My I5 2500k (stock speeds) Struggles to keep up with my GTX 670 (ASUS CU2 stock) in planetside 2 and often leaves me with a framerate that is rather lacking (sometimes as low as 22-30fps, dependant on battle)
I am reluctant to overclock the CPU as i fear my PSU and/or mobo aren't up to it. But what kind of CPU CAN run Planetside 2 at a reasonable framerate?
(for reference): mobo is a Gigabyte z77x - D3h and psu is Corsair GS600
I'm not sure if I should move the thread by changing the topic slightly but; What kind of overclock can I acheive on this kind of system? (cooler is H80)
Well, if i will be honest i was not certain at all what i was doing. I had my core voltage at 1.52 (now realising that was a bad idea)
The power supply exploded (crappy cheap model) which destroyed my motherboard and may have caused the final blow to my old I5 2500k. or it may have been the voltage... (still don't know)
I used CPUz for clock speeds, core temp for temperatures and voltages and Folding@Home for stress testing.