I was given a free pc and need some help verifying what I want to buy. I am looking to game first 1080p @ 60hz (have a monitor already), but would like to buy a freesync monitor later with 1080p @ 144hz. PC has the following specs:
Graphics: I believe an RX580 is overkill at first, but will handle nicely higher refresh rates at 1080p when I buy another monitor. I found this one here @ 219 Euros
Case Fan (rear/side needed): Any ideas?
PSU: Any ideas? Not sure on required power.
So I am not sure which fans would be best for the most quiet solution. I need a 92mm max for the rear and 120mm max for the side. Current fan sucks in so I believe it is best for the other two to blow out?
Also, I am not sure which PSU is best, but I believe I need around 450/500W. My main question is if a module power supply is worth it.
Finally, anyone know of better deals or if I should wait until Cyber Monday. I am not sure if Cyber Monday is a big thing in Germany.
On amazon it is, have not seen it anywhere else in central europe.
That mainly depends on which GPU you pick and what upgrades you plan. With what you are looking at around 500W is easily enough. 350 W would be too but I found the price/performance ratio below 450W is often very bad. I would just recommend not to buy the lowest quality one you can find.
That is personal preference. It is nice to not have cables in your case that you don’t need. There are semi-modular ones for not much of a price jump last time I looked.
I am not the best at finding good deals but what you have there sounds reasonable.
I would just recommend not to buy the lowest quality one you can find.
I figured as much. I’ll take a look at reviews and not be afraid of a few extra Euros. The price differences don’t seem to be crazy between the name brands and no names.
That is personal preference. It is nice to not have cables in your case that you don’t need. There are semi-modular ones for not much of a price jump last time I looked.
That is kind of what I was thinking. The case doesn’t have a side panel or anything, but keeping the cables to a minimum would be nice for its own sake.
Also, keep in mind, that the MSI Armor card you have picked is the cheapest for a reason. It is a good price but the cooler spec is on the low end, I don’t know what you are going to use it for and if you are into overclocking or if noise is a factor for you and for how long you plan on using it.
Edit: I don’t want you to reconsider the model, just want you to know what you are buying.
Good point. I believe I saw one cheaper, so I tried defaulting for something more middle found. I will compare the other ones to it. I don’t plan on overclocking, but noise is certainly a factor. Maybe I would overclock… not sure…
For case fans, something sensible. I would say noctuas but they are expensive, not for no reason butnit is diminishing returns. So balance it with the GPU, no point is super silent case fans when the GPU will make noise over them anyway.
Something in the range of BeQuiet or similar. Fans are fans really. They have mostly come up to a similar level with in their price ranges. And don’t bother with RGB fans or any nonsense. Just decent reasonably quiet, isolated is nice, fans.