I5-6500 (+mobo/ram) or i5-4460/4590? [on hold for now]

I want to upgrade my system but am not sure if I want to invest into Skylake (which would require an additional ~200€ for ram+mobo). Right now I have an i3-4130 on an Asrock H87 Pro4 with 2x4 GB DDR3-1600.

Haswell prices are still a bit lower than Skylake but availability is terrible for both.

"Should" I stay on Haswell (~182€ for a 4460 / ~226€ for a 4590) or invest in Skylake (~216€ for a 6500 + 65€ for 8GB DDR4 + ~120€ for a mobo)?

I would pair the new CPU with an RX 480 but that's another story. I mainly want to get rid of the limiting CPU (for Handbrake and games).

I would wait for Zen (Ryzen) before making any purchases. If you can wait for another month or two, that is. Personally, the improvement from that gen i5 to this gen i5 is not enough for me to want to spend the extra money on the mobo and ram, but that is just me. As far as gaming goes, you shouldn't be all that held back with your i3 and a 480. It is definitely not ideal, and you will want a new cpu eventually, but for the time being, a 480 and a 4130 would do well enough in most games (this is especially true if you tend towards gpu bound games and/or a higher resolution like 1440p or 4k).

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I'm not up to date with the news about Zen. Are there any prices out yet? 6-8 cores doesn't sound like 200-250€ to me.

There is nothing official yet, but the rumor is that they will have cheaper, 6 core and 4 core variants soon (after the launch of the 8 core parts) which should be around your price range. The numbers that I have been seeing all over the rumor mill put the 4 core under $200, so there should definitely be something for you in the line up. The problem being that we aren't sure of pricing, performance, or availability (ie time frame). We have a good idea of all of them, but nothing solid. That is why I said that I would wait, if possible. Otherwise, I would suggest looking at a higher end cpu for your current mobo. Have you looked at any xeons? That might be something that benefits you. Higher core count really helps with handbrake.

A Xeon would be amazing but they're also ~275€ for a E3-1231 v3.

Oh, wait Zen is not supported on Win8.1, right?

Are they really? That is ridiculous. Intel's pricing is out of hand. Older gen products should not be priced the same as when they launched, and that product should be closer to $200 (not sure how it is over there, I am not too familiar with the pricing in other regions).

The W10 only thing for Kaby Lake and Zen is a bit blown out of proportion from what I have gathered. I need to look into it further, but I really don't think that it "won't work" with older Windows versions or anything like that. I think that it is only official support or some nonsense.

i got myself the 1151 i5-6500 upgrade

i bought i5-6500, z170 mobo and 16 GBs Ram DDR4 for 250€ on black friday sales but then again i upgraded from a Phenom II X4, so.... u know. shit was urgent.

They are if you want to buy new. They're even more expensive on ebay (280€+).

If Microsoft doesn't let me activate my Win8.1 OEM (bought it seperately when I built my PC ~3 years ago) I'd have to buy Win10 regardless. Same reason why I didn't want to wait for Kaby Lake. And while I use Linux on my laptop (iGPU) I'm not keen on moving to it on my desktop just yet (GPU passthrough and whatnot).

You can dual boot. Just have a W10 partition or drive, and swap over once you need to do some gaming. Cleaner than pass through or a VM, but a little bit more hassle. You can get all your work done in Linux and all your gaming done in Windows.

That would require a second SSD and add to the total cost (rather 2 seperate SSDs than partition one).

But if I wait for Zen/Kaby Lake I'll deal with that when they come out and proper benchmarks and pricing are available (as well as the actual CPUs).

I think I'll focus on the GPU for now. 480 4gb or 8GB. Sapphire or XFX.
And hope my PSU can handle both the new GPU and the CPU in the future.

That's an insane price! O.o
I've been juggling around some prices and would still end up at 410-450€ if I went with an i5-6500 and 16GB RAM (+ mobo).

What psu do you have? A 480 doesn't take all that much power. And an i3 uses very little. So I don't think that it would be that much of a problem for most psus. But better safe than sorry.

Seasonic S12II-620

Oh yeah, that should handle a 480 beautifully. Seasonic is very well respected and 620 watts is more than enough. Slap a 480 in that bad boy.

According to this wattage calculator load wattage would be 388W with an i5-6500+480 and the parts I have now in my PC. pcpartpicker.com estimates ~461W.

Either way, it should be well within spec. Don't be worried. I have been running a Seasonic 650 watt with a 280 (which uses about the same power) and a 4430 for about three years now. You will definitely be fine.

Why is the 4570k conspicuously absent?
One problem is if you get the haswell and the MB starts dying that would suck.
Does the mb have a 3 year extended warranty?
Kaby Lake will have a budget I3 with hyperthreading.

ok this is the most useless post ever

That's why.

Prices for Intel CPUs are all over the place here. They're all above the Recommended Customer Price and Haswell is close to Skylake CPUs. That is if you can get them (and don't want to buy from some little store with terrible reviews).

Just looked it up. My mb actually has 3y warranty but that will end in Q1 2017.

No need in getting a K part with your mobo anyway. You won't be able to overclock it. I would start with the gpu and then hopefully your cpu won't bug you too much until Zen comes out.

If it was around 200€ I would've considered it, even with my motherboard. My cousin has one, but I don't know when he'll upgrade his PC and if he would let me inherit his stuff.

But replacing old stuff with old stuff is never a good idea. There's a point when it's time for new stuff.