I5 4690k or amd 8350

Hi I'm upgrading my computer and i don't know whether  to go with the intel i5 4690k or the amd 8350 I'm going to start YouTubeing and i don't know whether the rendering times will mater please help thanks 

Well generally, and in my experience, the 8350 is faster in rendering. Some people say that the i5 has some instruction set that makes it faster but I haven't seen it. I have both parts. I rendered out the same project in Premier. H.264 encoding. The 8350 was faster- by quite a bit. It was about the same speed as the Xeon 1230V3 I have. 

I doubt there is a huge amount in it for rendering, but if that is your main goal then it should be Core i7/Xeon or AMD FX8350. I think the new instruction sets DerKrieger refers to is only used by a handful of Apps at the moment.

At that point you start looking at costs and then you also need to consider;

1) Cost of Motherboard

2) Cost of additional graphics e.g. Intel are available with on-board graphics - would it meet your requirements?

3) Cost of additional cooling? - if planning to OC 

4) Any requirement for ECC RAM?

In my experience I have been happy to settle with cheaper mobo's for Intel builds than AMD builds. Also if the on board graphics are not required and you are not planning on over-clocking then the Xeon 1230/1 v3 is definately worth considering, but if you do need ECC RAM then the Xeon starts looking more expensive due to mobo requirements.  

Hope that makes sense :-)

Your choice , depends on prices , here a 8350 + mobo is 250 , whereas a i5 is 230 or a xeon is 210 .

I have had a xeon + H97 for 280€ total , you can get a i5 for the same thing , or a 8350 + mobo for ~220 .

I ran some benches , but my hdd died , but here is the roundup :

 -i5 : best in gaming ( very good OC , 4.8ghz on air ) , last in rendering 

-8350 trades blows with i5 , but gets destroyed on single threaded games , and kicks a lot of heat when OC 

-xeon : my personal favorite , best in rendering , gaming is great , falls a bit behind when high ghz is needed , but when you can utilize all 8 threads it's better than the other two ( bf4 mainly ) .

if you could afford a 4790K then i would definitely recommend that as a sweet spot cpu for your needs. But yeah it does come with a premium price offcourse.

If you can not afford an i7/xeon, than overclock the shit out of the 8350 and you should see good render speeds for the money.

This may sound like a rant, but try to keep in mind what your goals are with your pc, and what your daily usage will be. If you are not a professional that makes solid money out of projects that are CPU intensive, then it's not worth it to talk yourself into buying a more expensive chip, because it's faster.

Sure, it's faster, but how much speed do you actually need ?  A locked i5, like the 4460 (the cheapest haswell refresh i5) will not bottleneck any single or dual GPU setup, so you are covered when it comes to games.  When it comes to content creation, (let's say you compare it to an E3 Xeon), hyperthreading makes a difference, but not a world of difference, and it's only easy to notice when the image/ video is actually rendered to a final file, so unless your pc will be rendering 3-5 hours a day, and you still have to do stuff in the same time, hyperthreading is just expensive furniture.

And now we get to the project itself. If you will work with pre-recorded footage, without going crazy with added effects and moving objects (motion blur is somewhat harder to render), the difference will be even smaller. A general example is a difference of 2-3 minutes on a 10-15 minutes total render time, again, depending on the complexity of the project.  There are benchmarks on the interwebs, but I can run some tests with and without hyperthreading if you are interested. 

Also, you can put the 4460 (or a xeon) into any 1150 motherboard, as long as the bios is up to date, so it can recognize the cpu and it doesn't need any aftermarket cooling either.

I don't have any experience with FX chips. What bugs me it's that while the cpu's are cheaper and have lots of processing power, they also need proper cooling and somewhat more expensive motherboards, so the total costs between platforms, like shown in previous posts, are not that much different.



Good performance with the smallest amount of money :

  • i5 4460, with any 1150 socket motherboard (again, check the BIOS);
  • 8320 or 8350, prefferably with a decent motherboard with 990fx chipset and proper power delivery

If the price difference between an i5 / FX and a Xeon build isn't big enough to make a difference anywhere else in the pc (like RAM or GPU or storage), by all means, go with a Xeon. 


+1 Buy for what you need, not for what is the best.

The render times shouldn't matter much between the two for youtube content. Just look up a bunch of benchmarks and see if the positives and negatives are worth difference in price to you.



An OC'd 8320/8350 can trade blows with a 3/4770k in multithreaded rendering.

However the i5 would be much better for gaming.

Its hard to tell how much faster an Intel CPU is to an AMD since Intel has been cheating performance with their "AMD Cripple" compiler function. Since AMD finally won in court we'll see if Intel starts playing fairly. 

In your case the FX8350 is a bit dated but it will serve your needs best. Get a decent CPU cooler and over clock that FX8350 to 4.6 - 4.8ghz and it will plow through most work quickly.