i5 4460 Overloads for no reason

So every day I turn my PC on everything works GREAT !
As imagined as expected..
But after like 9 hours of playing the thing starts to getting overloaded easily while the temps are still normal for an Intel CPU.
I post a pic below for the overload and temps while launching Google Chrome.. (After a while everything is starting MUUUCH slower and games get so choppy.. )

I imagine that you have a virus. Run Rogue Killer and JRT and then get back to me.

But the PC works fine and starts to get choppy after like 9 hours of playing while the temperatures are normal.
How can a virus make my CPU overload after an amount of time. Normaly a virus would do it instantly.

  • Temps are normal if that is your max load temps after 'x' amount of time ~ this rules out the cpu being at fault.
  • What does the rest of your rig consist of?
  • Is everything up to date - OS, drivers etc?
  • What processes are running in the background?
  • Is the system clean?

-Had once 63° but doesn't make any difference. ( After 9H )
-Not understanderino because of my english. GPU is 43° (GTX760 ASUS 2GD5) if that's what you've asked for.
-G Data Internet Security (Does not require lots of CPU) / Steam / Teamspeak / Chrome / Core Temp 1.0 RC6
-Yes it is.

Unless you verify with the two programs that I mentioned, I refuse to believe that a virus can be ruled out. Run RogueKiller and JRT and then get back to us.

What is your hdd/ssd config? Is your paging file set to system managed? How much space do you have on your drive?


OP, what parts did you use in your computer? 63 degrees isn't abnormal... Nor is your proccessor overclocked. It is within Intel spec. I don't quite understand what you mean by overclocked. If anything it's under clocked as your BCLK is 99 and not 100.

Excuse me. I misread overloads as overclocked lol

I did not understand anything and don't know how to check it.
I don't know anything about this kind of stuff.

When the PC gets slow, or even before it slows down, open Task Manager and sort it by Cpu usage, something is using up Cpu cycles most likely, which could be anything, something you're doing unwittingly, a virus, malware, anything at all. Show us a screenshot, one of us will likely solve it immediately.

It's very simple to run a virus/malware scan, you should do it regardless. Also consider Malwarebytes, it's one of the best if not the best program that exists for this purpose and extremely easy to use. www.malwarebytes.org

could indeed be a virus, malware, or maybe even a trojan, which running in the background eating your cpu.

i would suggest to do a virus scan + malware scan.

Ran a Malware scan. Nothing found.
Anti Virus scan. Nothing found but still made a pic of it.

When your PC slows down again, open Task Manager, sort by Cpu usage, and take a screenshot. If it's slowing down that badly, we'll likely see the culprit there.

CCleaner? malware bytes

I'm 99.9% sure malwarebytes wont help, he scanned using GData so odds are his system clean. Try going into your bios and checking your cpu voltage perhaps.

Just realized that the RazerSynapse programm took 25 of my CPU sometimes. It went up and down.
Turned it off but with out it my macro keys are ,,Off" because they're programmed trough RazerSynapse.
Is there a way to make it not go up and down?

I had a virus that Malwarebytes didn't detect. The only thing that I found that could touch it after running more than half a dozen programs was Rogue Killer. Until he runs that, I am just going to keep saying that it is probably a virus. Preferably, try running it while it is all slowed down.

Sounds like your problem might have just been soddy coding on Razer's part. No, there isn't a way to fix that. They just made a crappy program. It could be that there is a virus or something that is acting like the Synapse program, but my guess is that it is just the crappy software. Try disabling it, preventing it from running at start up, and then see where that gets you.

windows updates downloading and installing in the background maybe?

Yeah i've blocked it, it won't startup.
We'll see what's gonna happen in the next days. Thanks yet to all.