About 20 minutes ago I was playing CSGO warming up for some PUG's at a Community Server. As I realized my net graph shew me my SV rate is dropping so low that it was written in red and it felt like lagging in-game. I went to the Task Manager to check the load and it was stable 99%-100%, I closed all other Background Programms and let only Steam and CSGO run. It did not make the SV rate a lot better and the Load of the CPU was still the same. So I downloaded Core Temp and as I turned it on everything froze, the Programm did open and then the PC froze completely, I could only see that each core was at 49°. CSGO crashed also twice before this happened, but never did before.
My CPU cooler is the Arctic Freezer i11, not a big deal but better than the stock and a stock is completely enough for the i5 4460 so I don't know what's wrong. HALP PLOX
Can you filter the CPU usage column in your performance monitor to find out which process is taking up all of the cycles? Additionally, what is the idle usage for CPU?
@Decheka that "Windows IT Worker" is the windows updater. He doesn't have a virus, his windows is just updating itself... Let your windows update, its fine, nothing is wrong, and at this point you do not have to be worried.
Malwarebytes best free scanning tool. But uh this is super weird you should figure out what was taking all those resources more deeply. When I play dota 2 i barely go 60% only because i like browsing on the web when waiting for loaders and Im using the K version of your processor.
Already installed Rogue Killer suggested from 1920_1080p_1280_720p. Never heard that there is a K Version of my i5 4460, you sure you did not missread i5 4690?
And that's the issue.. I just did this like 3 days ago because my HDD was full of sh*t, and I felt overflown. It took like 4 hours with the Windows 10 Cleaning function, it did remove everything and all Settings, and let only Windows 10 with the Default apps and Settings with it.