i5 3570k vs i7 3770k

Will an i5 3570k over-clocked out perform an i7 3770k in gaming? For 100 dollars more it would seem the 3770k would be more future proof if games decide to take advantage of more multi-core functionality and hyper-threading. The i5 2500k shouldn't even be considered because of no pcie v3 support.. Saving 150 bucks now and having to spend 500 six months from now doesn't seem like the way to go. 

3570k will be the best in gaming for a while yet.... besides, if you build to last like I do, old rigs can become useful for other purposes later.....

^ agree'd. I have the intel 3570k and it performs the same as the i7 for gaming. For you question about usability down the road, not that many games use all 4 cores. Only a select few do while most use two cores. The only game I am aware of that use hyperthreading is Bf3 which uses one thread and hyperthreading has been around for a long time now (almost 6 years). I doubt you will need the i7 unless you decide to use rendering programs.


My vote is for the 3570k and put that money saved towards a better gpu. I'm sure it will out last the i7 in the long run.