Intel has taken pity on those who want to OC but don't want pet food for dinner. Only one I3 will get the coveted "K" At "only" 150 to 180 I wasn't sure weather to put this in the cpu, overclocking or the funny section. All kidding aside it really does look like a great OC'ing cpu and cheap (for intel). Also surprising is a Pentium G with 4 threads at what looks like just under a hundred.
A four thread Pentium would be pretty nifty for a low-power consumer desktop.
I'm kinda curious if the i3 7350K will keep the current ECC capability of i3 processors. If it does that might make for the trifecta of price-performance-stability.
Intel has abandoned the Tick,tock in favor of Tick,tock oh wait zen actually looks good! Let's throw something, anything out there! Still it is always good for us consumers:)
I would LOVE to see that baby with a "K" at the end or at least a bios workaround
Thanks for sharing, that looks really interesting having overclocking on such a cheap chip would give you great longevity, especially as Intel don't seem to be pushing performance much with each generation now. I suppose the low hanging fruit of ever finer nm fabrication processes are no longer so low hanging. Plus without AMD giving much competition I suppose they don't need to sweat over it too much.
I don't think they will because that would cannibalize the i3 -K sales, assuming the Pentium to be a 2C/4T part. Which in and of itself seems a little odd because i3s are already 2C/4T. Another 2C/2T part like the G3258 may be feasible though.
Or maybe Intel is planning on stepping every CPU line up one level in the near future? So i3s will be 4C/4T, i7s 8C/8T, and Pentiums 2C/4T? That's probably just wishful thinking though.
For low power linux workstations and light gaming machines, I'm sold on the i3s. This will be a great little LAN rig CPU. For my main rig though, after seeing the 5-year-old 2600K at stock speeds demolish an i3-6100 in everything except single threads, going back to my Sandy Bridge i7 was like a breath of fresh air. Those can be had right now for $150 used. I don't expect this i3 to be all that much faster than a 6100 - those are already damn fast to begin with.
They're the same architecture, so yes, the 7100 will be 8% faster in single threads, even lower depending on how good the clock scaling is.
I have always laughed at the mobile Core i-U processors. Apart from 1MB difference in cache and clockspeed in some i5-U SKUs, they are all exactly the same. Hyperthreaded dual-cores.
Yeah, too bad I am stuck with that option on tablet PCs, but it's a shit ton better than an Atom/m3/m5 and m7's. Those are the real jokes. After all, the U-skUs are only heavily underclocked i3s, and not THAT much worse like a Q6600 would be today. Where as a Q6600 still keeps up or beats even modern Atom and m3 CPUs.