I won the silicon lottery

It's probably not 100% stable at those volts....

Bloody hell, can't wait to overclock mine (4790k club, high five).
Need to get a good cooler.
Probably gonna be disappointed after seeing this, lol.

I leave it around 4.6-4.8. Just went to 5.1 to see if I could... I can boot into windows at [email protected], but I can't run cinebench...

What cooler are you using?

I have an h100i, but I hate it. Temps are great, but it's horrible loud, I mean super loud. I just bought a noctua d15 to replace it, plus I noticed some condensation around my h100i :(

Devil's Canyon chips man. They're already very well binned, getting a center-platter chip means 5GHz+. So nice.

Obviously needed way more voltage than you did, which isn't surprising as an i5 should be a locked down i7 silicon that failed to be an i7. :P

Eww LinusTechTips. :P


lol I thought this too.
[sarcasm]LTT peasant.[/sarcasm]


Don't you knock linus tech! Their forum layout is way better than tek syndicate

yea, what are your temps

Never went over 71c during cinebench 15

That's subjective. This is the only forum I've joined other than JayzTwoCents' forum, which I'm not even active on.
The reason I stick here is they layout, I love it. Although it'd look horrible if it had a bright white colour scheme alike the discourse site (which, well, still looks alright but not as good).
Plus the LTT forums is full of 12 year olds. ;P
I'm kidding, I've never bothered joining there. I've heard bad things from a couple others and then there's the aforementioned eye pain issue.

@KuramaKitsune Are you asking me?

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not bad honestly.
hotter than i prefer, but nearly 5.1ghz is crazy with the hyper-threading still enabled
my 2500k needs 1,5v to get up to 5ghz

Nice chip, will yield a very good return if you ever decide to sell it.

Debatable comment alert!

Nice chip.

I've already been offered someone's 4790k and $100 cash... Lol

I'll be keeping it, not really wanting to sell it ATM.

dam thats good wish my amd fx6300 hit at least 4.7 but cant cause i had to put at 4.6 1.425v and not sure it was completely stable at that since i cant even test it cause it shot through the roof while stress testing the dam thing. might try overclocking on the devil canyons chips soon when i get a different mobo and cpu just for the lolz if i can.