this game is old news, but it is my favorite in the elder scrolls series.
I have only ever experienced it on the console from xbox to 360, just the other day I was tooling around the BX and saw a clearance box and there were a couple of copies of Morrowind on the pc in there. At first i pooped because I didnt even know the game was still in production, second GOTY for 10 bucks, I feel i should have bought them all.
I just wanted to share my excitement because I have seen there are many beautiful texture, and world mods for this game on the pc so i am chomping at the bit to get in some play time.
Anyone suggest great mods for this game and a good place to get them?
I would definitely consider getting MGE. It can do amazing things. It really improves the rendering engine. You can get better lighting and farther rendering distances. The most important thing for me though, is that MGE adds both anisotropy filtering, antialaising, and it can change the resolution of the game to the correct resolution. MGE not only makes the game look better, but much more playable. Trust me, playing at the right resolution makes a definite difference.
Hmm, I would also get the Morrowind Patch Project. Here's an excerpt from the website:
Beyond everything else, Morrowind Patched is a must-have mod for this game. It fixes a shitload of bugs and problems present in the final versions of Morrowind, Tribunal, and Bloodmoon, ranging from spelling errors to flat-out game-breakers, rendering most other bug-fix mods obsolete.
Another one is the Morrowind Code Patch. This differs from the Patch Project, because the Morrowind Code Patch actually modifies the executable. This makes the game much more stable and it will preform better. The Morrowind Code Project is necessary, because not all glitches can be fixed from editing through the TES Construction Set.
I'm also working on a texture pack, that keeps the original Morrowind spirit. It's about 45% done and almost all of the out door environments are finished. It's in 2K. You could try it if you want. I think it makes the game look absolutely beautiful!
interesting, as work increases and as new fun things for e to do surface, murphys law must confirm itself.
last night i noticed liquid on my window in my case, i opened the door and followed the spray my cpu cooler fan threw a bearing.
Its a zalman cnps9900max, i got it on a sweet deal at the egg but have never really been overly impressed with it, so i am upset i have to get a new cooler, but at the same time i have a inner voice cheering.
My deepest condolences about your PC cooler. Murphy's Law is alive and well. Good luck getting a replacement. Hopefully your computer will be running at 100% soon.
i think i heard mention from logan of this on one of the tek episodes or maybe inbox.
Totally worth doing and getting.
I have a question for all of you. with the current mods did they fix all the exploits too?
i remember that you could cast fortify attribute with sould trap on self and the attribute buff would be permanent and you could stack stats till game breaking.
for fun on the xbox i made a guy with 1million int. potions would last a year when drank and ingredients would equal instant death if there was any negative effects.
and once made strength to something like 100k you would hit a scrib and your weapon was broke. both of those are ineffective for game play but fun for a few minutes.