I want to run Linux with VM's on it

I want to run Fedora 25 om my workstation.
But I want some what of a 1 to 1 transition.

I have windows 10 Enterprise, and running hyper-v on it.
Hyper-v allows me to create VM's that i need.
I share a dedicated NIC through a virtual switch with the VM's.

The outcome of that is the VM's is on the LAN network.
Are there any VM software solution, that i can use on fedora that give the same?
- I tried Gnome boxes, but it did not give me the desired effect. But i can be wrong. :)

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My experience with virtualization is limited... but have you taken a look at VMware's solutions?

I'm somewhat behind in Linux specific VM platforms, but I can just suggest VirtualBox that I happen to use on some occasions. VirtualBox is something that you can run on both Linux and windows. It can be compared to VMWare Workstation (not free) - which also can run on both Linux and Windows.

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Any VM works. Just enable NAT.

VMware is not free... :(


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Will Gnome boxes be a okay solution then?
- It can run in background.
- It uses KVM.

Boxes should work, but it's just a GUI. However try virt-manager, it's also a GUI but it has some easier 'in depth' settings to config by.


Well, VMWare Workstation Player is free... as long as you agree to use it for non-commercial purposes.

+1 for KVM/virt-manager. Low overhead, high performance. Fedora can get it done without 3rd party software.


Fedora has boxes, I just installed windows 10 through it to test something and it's working fine.

Thanks for all the replies! :)

My Windows is now replaced by Fedora 25.
I installed Virt-Manager, and it works great!

My VM's are using my secondary NIC with pass through.
They got a LAN ip, and everything is great now! :D


I have the most experience with Virtualbox. You can use NAT or Bridged to have it viewable on the network as another machine. Should be able to get an RPM easily enough for it.

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I have used Virtual Box before. I know it is simple and well suited.
But I'm not a fan. :)