I want to electrocute myself everyday

In my case of PT my neck muscles were in a knot. The electro stim made the muscles rapidly micro-flex and release, flex and release, many times per second, until they got exhausted and relaxed the knot. Then the PT would put heavy sand bags heated with steam on me. That warm sand was ecstasy.

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That is the original 19th century definition. It now also includes serious injury.

OP if you are suffering from depression of a certain sort getting a session of electric convulsive therapy will bring you out of it. Not all types of depression can be helped by this but a certain type can be. I forget the name. :S

if you think it is an autoimmune issue, you should probably see you doctor and have them run the appropriate blood tests. It is difficult to officially diagnose some of the autoimmune issues focusing on the thyroid, but they can get a good idea of what might be the cause of your tiredness based on blood data. If you do have an autoimmune issue like hashimoto's, then you'll definitely need to change your diet accordingly and start taking targeted dietary supplements.

^ and this basically

This is usually a short term fix and I think risky as it can impair memory and affect personality too. I would advise seeing a doctor to talk about things of this nature though.

this is the dumbest shit ive seen on this forums by a landslide


yeah kind of am ... Depression bruh but it's really from a stagnation of life . It's not like i went through something that made me sad or anything like that . I just feel without purpose. you have a point, as long as it won't damage me like people are saying i would not be afraid to try.

my doctors don't do shit... they just see me for 4 minutes, after i waited 2 hours to see them. My blood tests didn't indicate anything wrong besides vitamin D deficiency,

Apparently you missed Tekxit

not trying to derail the thread or bring up past or whatever else the mods will say about this. Just pointing out that tekxit was the dumbest thing to ever happen to the forum (well ok... not all of tekxit but if you were there you understand).

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I opened up a disposable camera, with the capacitor still charged and accidentally brushed against the leads with my finger. My entire right arm seized up and went numb for a few seconds. Sounds fun - it wasn't. It hurt.

I know it's been said several dozen times already, but you should be using safe, natural methods of keeping your body alert and healthy. Go to sleep early. Wake up early. Exercise. Eat right. doing weird stuff to your body to give you a jolt/rush/buzz generally isn't a very good idea, particularly in the long term.

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If you have underactive thyroid, check out 'lugol's iodine'. If you have overactive thyroid do not do this.

Try eating couple of bananas early morning or lunchtime. Banana has potassium, which helps brain function and may help you feel more alert

Did doctors tell you most of western world has Vitamin D deficiency problems? 10 minutes in full summer sun (when your shadow is shorter than your actual height) is enough for you body to make enough vitamin D, but it takes hours to absorb into body and having a shower can wash it away. Don't get enough sun in winter here in UK, so I use a high strength vitamin D supplement (5,000-10,000 iu) during winter. I used to get bad depression in spring and fall around equinox time, but double-dosing on vitD at those times has helped reduce problems. Sort out lack of VitD and get immune system running well as a priority and your own body will start to heal itself

Salutation: Greetings Bender! We haven't encountered one another since you dropped out of assassination programming.

Query: How have you been?

I'm pretty sure though that jacking on is against forum rules.

No Mega Man reference?

  • Spark Man
  • Elec Man
  • Spark Mandrill

Seriously though, don't fuck with electricity. Leave that to the medically trained professionals. This is more philosophical, but maybe you were looking for proof that you're alive, which explains the feeling you got after being shocked.


Salutation: Greetings, Bender! It has been a long time since you dropped out of assassination programming.

Query: What is your status after all these years?

No Mega Man reference?

  • Spark Man
  • Elec Man
  • Spark Mandrill

Seriously though, don't fuck with electricity. Leave that to a trained medical professional. I'm pretty sure jacking on is against forum rules though.

On a more philosophical note, perhaps you were looking for a sign that you are actually alive, in which case you found your proof, and you liked it. I strongly suggest finding a healthier source for this feeling.

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saw but avoided

I would tend to agree that it may have triggered your fight or flight response which is more than just an adrenaline rush.

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This is why we have caffeine

You could do a lot of things to wake yourself up

Like take a hammer to your balls

Slapping yourself really hard will probably do the trick, record and post it so we can critique your form

Ideally you would get a coworker to really wallop you, should also record so we can critique his form

Get on that vitamin D dude. Sun with sunscreen or supplement if you can.

For feeling Tired I'll take naps of 10-30 minutes but not after 3pm because it will screw up my sleep schedule. (this will vary for you depending on when you go to bed and whether it disrupts you at all.)

Naps of as little of 10 minutes have shown some evidence of having subjects feeling refreshed. (Sorry, too lazy to source)

Mindfulness meditation or transcendental meditation could help, I use it sometimes, can work for fatigue and/or concentration.
It has been shown to have a similar effect on the brain as sleep and has been empirically proven to help with emotional and cognitive function. (Again, sorry, too lazy to source.)

May not work for you at first but stick with it and it will likely show benefits.

  1. Breathe in for 4 seconds,
  2. hold for 4 seconds,
  3. out for 4 seconds,
  4. sit breathless for 4 seconds, repeat.

Don't do anything or focus on anything else other than breathing as you do this, you'll get distracted and that doesn't matter, just make an effort to keep your attention focused on breath and you'll be doing it right.

You can try this app, I don't know it or it's source well but the sources come fairly highly recommended from a source I do trust.

Finally, safety aside, electrocuting yourself is just impractical, even clinical electroshock therapy shows very high rates of relapse.


Thanks man! i never thought about that nap thing, i always mess up my schedule if i sleep after 3pm . That's so mindful i never even thought about it. And that breathing thing is something i already do from time , so yeah i know it's somewhat beneficial. It's hard to convince people of that though ... well anyways thanks man! if i can repay you for the info in any way it's this video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HwfyRPzIySE

helped me with my headaches

Try exercising more.

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