I want to automate software tests

Hey, I want to try to automate all my software testing and I’m not sure about how to do it. I would like to make it autonomous enough to be able to run while i’m not in front of my desktop computer. I dont have much software engineering experience, Would i have to make different scripts for every language?


Learn this, then the world is on auto

Warning tho: The scripting feels backwards in the wierd way

Sounds like you need applescript.

If you use github you can use one of many CI testing programs which auto-fetch from you repo and runs testing scrips with you specify. Perosnally I use Travis-ci.

If you use gitlab; it comes prebuilt with a CI tool. Just include a YAML file with the scripts you want to run.

If you don’t use a CVS then wtf, get on the ball with the rest of the devs in the world.


This may be more than you are willing to put into it bu Suse’s Open QA system can allow you to setup a VM dedicated to testing and it uses needles and keyboard strokes. No need to program unless you want to.
