I wanna mod my case

I wanna mod this case:


To look like this case (without the Nvidia or Cooler Master Sign):


As much as possible. It looks pretty basic, just need some green LEDs for the front, add a side window, maybe more. But where should I start? Also, I have Zalman CNPS8700 NT, and it has a Blue LED. Anyway i can change this?

Use magic 1337 sauce, thats what I did. :D

Use the 1337 case modder =P


Use a jigsaw with a 18TPI blade and cut out the window.

Remove the rivets with a drill and a 1/8" inch drill bit then remove all the black panels then paint the inside with flat black or gloss back, but be sure to prime and clean with paint thinner first.

Put the case back together with nuts and bolts or 1/8" rivets.

Edit: Put a black fan on the top 120 slot and a green at the bottom? Or 2 green for extra l33tness, and as for the leds in the fan:

If the fan is removeable then cut out the old LEDS and pull em out then buy some bright green LEDS from radioshack and solder them in place of the blue and if its not removeable then be a warrantyvoiderModder and take the damn thing apart like I will with my nirvana to make it red.

simple. go out and buy the CM690 case, then disassemble it. put the panels on the 300 and your done. it should look like this:


talk to mnpctech.com....

there's a different zalman heatsink that has a green led fan, i believe the gray one, 9700?

as for your antec 300, the side panel is easy to make a window with. i did a ghetto job with it and didn't use any uchannel to make it look all professional. if you want to take it fully apart with the rivets and what not, i can't really help you there. you should paint the fan bay covers green and the pci covers green, the rest black. all i can tell you is to just use painters tape to tape whatever you don't want to be painted on. i didn't take mine off for shit


just a bunch of my old pictures on the 300..

Xezmer wrote 18 minutes ago »

Use a jigsaw with a 18TPI blade and cut out the window.

Remove the rivets with a drill and a 1/8" inch drill bit then remove all the black panels then paint the inside with flat black or gloss back, but be sure to prime and clean with paint thinner first.

Put the case back together with nuts and bolts or 1/8" rivets.

Edit: Put a black fan on the top 120 slot and a green at the bottom? Or 2 green for extra l33tness, and as for the leds in the fan:

If the fan is removeable then cut out the old LEDS and pull em out then buy some bright green LEDS from radioshack and solder them in place of the blue and if its not removeable then be a warrantyvoiderModder and take the damn thing apart like I will with my nirvana to make it red.

wow actually not a troller

Ooou, 300 seems sleek... And nice to mod.. :)

damn kokun that looks NICE

the window is awesome how did you do it

u used that super tape? because u dotn have curved edges i hate curved edges

looool no i actually was like ..wait why didn't i do curves?! LOL

it was too late and so me and my dad messed up with cutting it a little bit. so we used black electrical tape to cover up the corner we cut too much on. we just bought some cheap plexiglass from home depot and used the black electrical tape on both sides.

if you wanted a more professional look, uchannel for the side panel that you cut and double sided adhesive tape to put the plexiglas on. looks much better that way, i kinda just winged it and half-assed it in the end.. but my next case, i will do a much better job at modding it! :)

GreenSLi wrote 50 minutes ago »

Ooou, 300 seems sleek... And nice to mod.. :)

that's what I thought as well.

Uhmm meh fuck the 300. Reasons is not needed : )

The green zalman cooler is called 9700NT its the nvidia version. I have it. Think I am gonna change to TRUE soon

OK, but my main problem is the blue LED. I don't want to buy a new fan, I just wanna take the LED. I couldn't find out how to take it out. I think I'm gonna make the side window go around the fan that I'll put on it, like the CM 690 NV on the top.

Is it me or did you become fascinated with that case since I posted it in my thread? >.>.<.<

Shouldn't you use a dremel?

[s]Shouldn't you use a dremel?[/s]

[b]Careful when sending a post =|[/b] ~Destroyed007