I think my PSU is dying

My PSU is an OCZ 500W and my GPU is an Asus GTX 760 which I'm using it to run three monitors.

This is obviously not  an optimal setup since the 500W PSU has just enough power to run my computer.

I've had my setup like this for about half a year now and mostly it's worked ok. About a month ago it would temporarily freeze for about a second every now and then but that has now stopped.

Today when I started my computer I noticed (it was pretty hard to miss tbh) a static sound from both my headphones and my PSU.

The sound got louder when I  unmuted my mic and when I touched the metal on my computer the sound got quieter (but it didn't go away completely). After about an hour the sound randomly stopped for no apparent reason.

I'm assuming this is a sign that my PSU is dying, it's either that or a weird grounding failure.


So if it's a PSU problem then I'll have to get a new one soon. I'm looking for a ~750W (because I plan on getting a second GPU within two years) modular PSU. Is the Corsair CX 750M a good PSU? I don't want to spend too much money on it.

My guess is that you got polluted grounding -> the problem lies in your electrical grid. Maybe Somebody is using esoteric or malfunctioning equipment near you.

Take the computer to a friend's house and see if the problem persists.

If the problem goes away at your friends house, you need a ground loop filter (somebody correct me if i'm wrong)

My i7 + R9 290 + 2 3,5"hdds + 1 sdd + 4 fans draw 310 Watts during gaming

Your computer is likely to use no more than 350 watts, unless you run a allot hard-drives, and a big overclock. Or is the power-supply also driving the monitors?


A 500 watt is fine for your system, i woudlnt get bigger than a new 500 watt if you plan on keeping it for a while. You want to load your PSU a decent amount for you to get the HIGHEST efficiency 

I agree and wiould also attempt this

I can say that running Folding@Home on a GTX 770, Radeon HD 6950, and a Xeon E3 1230 V2 all at the same time for 48 hours straight can run on a 650w power supply with no problems.

The problem went away after an hour so it could probably be a problem with the electrical grid. I live in an old house far from the city so it wouldn't surprise me.

Unless I get more problems in the future I guess I don't have to buy a new PSU after all.