I think I've found a loophole in the community guidelines: Pistol was on DP

As I sat down to watch the Drunken Peasants ~2weeks ago, I noticed pistol was on it. The community guidelines state that there should be no posts on religion - Drunken Peasants is run by the Amazing Atheist - but, shurely, it should be possible to post something with Pistol in it on the site? No? Oh well, because this post contains the amazing atheist and is, on the most part, gossip and speculation, it'll probably be closed.


Lol was this posted somewhere on the forum or something?

yes, someone posted this, like hours prior to the show, and honestly, i'll repeat the same comment i made on that post,

I don't know how Pistol tolerated them. i thought they were annoying, not cause of the stuff they were saying some of it i agree with, but because they were OVERPLAYING the corny jokes.

I don't think this is a loophole at all. It would imply that you can break one of the community guidelines, of which you directly stated that there shouldn't be any posts about religion. I think that just because members of TS are in other shows or may be affiliated with religious entities it does not allow you to break the community guidelines. If you can't talk about it then you can't talk about it.

when has atheism been a religion?

It's a belief, which is basically the same thing.

Those amazing atheist guys are stupid, worst show i ever watched. highly annoying

yeah. a belief in reality.

didn't realize how fucking religious I was

The question you should probably be asking is if it can start a flame war. But this rule has been pretty lenient as Logan has posted stuff about krampus and paganism before. I think the main reason why this rule exists is so we don't end up like the comments section on youtube.

Atheism doesn't meet the criteria for religion.

It's often misconstrued as "Atheists believe there is no God", where it is actually "Atheists do not believe in a god".

LOL :). I wouldn't necessarily consider it a religion. It seems everyone has a different take on it honestly. Why can't we all keep our beliefs to ourselves?

That's what I always thought.

I know I have contributed to a few of these religious debates, but they really need to stop. This isn't the place for it.


Are you saying you believe in something other than reality? BLASPHEMY!!!! 

Well what do you know? I would just love to take this opportunity to post this Stefan Molyneux video. Yes, Pistol, Stefan Molyeneux does indeed determine pretty much every problem in the world to be the fault of women. The guy is a complete fucking misogynist.



Here's a choice quote, from, if I remember correctly, about the quarter-way mark.

"There's a weird thing if you're a guy. If you're a guy, you don't get paid for having a dick. Fortunately. God, do you want to be that kind of person? Be a vagina parasite that inhales wallets up her cooch without even crouching. Some sort of reverse vacuum cleaner that hoovers coins out of penises. That's not what you want, right? You don't want to be that."

- Stefan Molyneux, self described philosopher 


Regarding the OP, The Drunken Peasants =/= Tek Syndicate, Do you see why?