I.T or Mechanics

Okay so I am kinda stuck on where I wish to go with life, but first lets explain what I like to do in relation to the two subjects.

I like to break things and repair them, To see how things work, I get a good feeling when I have got something broken working, like when I hear a BIOS beep on an absolutely knackered PC.
I used to play with Legos as a kid, because I could build things, I used to play with the Technic packs, building vehicles and other contraptions to see how they work, when I made a little car that have suspension (Sort of) it fascinated me.
I have broken and fixed PCs since the age of 14, I have been breaking them since 5 though ;)
I studied I.T at college, gaining a CISCO IT Essentials and Level 3 Extended BTEC (A level equivalent)

So as you can see I like to fix things, which is why I am thinking of mechanics, and the fact I personally see PC hardware repair and building as a dead area (SoC, it breaks buy a new one) or as I call it, the Mac philosophy, so what should I do, I have always wondered about the inside of an Engine, what is happening when I change gears, when I hit the accelerator, when I turn, the same as PCs, when I do something requiring more resources what calls are happening, sort of a programmed engine.

I have also always wanted to repair a damaged car to condition (A Rover Mini ;) )  I have already done this with PCs and it is not that hard really, but I just want to repair things, and as said I feel that PC repair is fast becoming a dead area due to the price of PCs.

I am also looking for a trade, in one of these areas, as I would like my own business when I am older, so help on which path I should take? I know this is an computer forum, but we do have a very dynamic set of people here :)



I've been thinking about the Arduino for the past few days (I too am changing my field of work and  going to study Computer Science), maybe you could try buying one and a motor shield and wifi shield and try your hand at building a remotely controlled vehicle, see if you like doing stuff like this.

Just throwing ideas out there.

I would sugest looking into Mechatronics http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mechatronics 

Mechatronics is beyond mechanics and IT as trades. The field often involves studies of advanced mathematics, electrical engineering, physics, programming, etc whereas mechanics and IT as trades do not require this knowledge. If you're planning on doing engineering at university, then mechatronics is a viable option, but becoming a mechanic or technician is not on the same level as becoming a mechatronic engineer.

as a mechatronic technician, one more vote for that field/path in professional carrier.

Although the field sounds very interesting I don't believe I am smart enough for it lol my maths is shocking and so is my sciences lol but I wouldn't mind playing with arduino to see what I can do :)