I still can't decide which distro to switch to!

I’ve made a promise to myself to switch to Linux at the end of the year and after trying dozens of distros I’m still clueless!

Mint. Just use mint and call it a day.

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Stop changing OS.

whats your problem with them? what is making you change so much?


Idk either. I have no clear needs. Beside gaming.

If you’re not missing anything then why are you changing?

If you’re just out for gaming then Ubuntu is probably theway to go. Like it or not, but anything that gets a native Linux port is primarily supporting Ubuntu and everything else is just DIY.


I’m using Solus for gaming and it’s worked great (though I’ve not worked out how to get 4k output to my TV via HDMI). It’s a rolling release distro so there’s little to no waiting around for new drivers or software. One of the easiest Linux install experiences also.

For Gaming, I’d recommend Solus. They eek out about 10% more performance in native titles due to PGO, and they have the best Steam support I’ve seen yet, including the official support from Ubuntu/valve.

Just install it, stick with it for two weeks and if you have problems ask here. I’d be happy to help. After the first two weeks, the distro starts to become part of your habits and you’ll develop a resistance to switching to other distros.

Distrohopping is a disorder afflicting many of the great minds of our generation. Talking about it, and following the three step program helps:

  1. Listen to @sgtawesomesauce suggestion.
  2. Install the distro.
  3. Don’t ask for more suggestions.

Make a thread, I’d be happy to try to help you solve it. (I’ve had issues with certain distros and 4k over HDMI)


Id add one more. Use it for at least 1 year. No mind changing, no ifs, no buts. Don’t hop.

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I don’t think you need a year of use to develop resistance to switching, but I’m not a naturally distrohoppy person.

Yeah but a year of using one distro will give you a really good understanding of how it works. After a year you wont be inclined to change because of a minor issue or similar. You’ll just get on with it. You also skip over at least one release cycle of all distros, and usually get at least one release cycle of the one your on.

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Just pick a common one and use it. A distro is a tool. Nothing more. Find one that supports what you want to do. Are you a consumer? use Ubuntu. want to focus on open source software? Debian. Need something lighter? pick something lighter. Developer or power user? pick something with more flexibility like Arch.

Once you find what you want to do on your system, pick the distro that fits your use case best and just use it. All distros do things differently to some extent but they are all fundamentally Linux and can all do the tasks you need to do, they are just tailored for different sectors of use.

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Well this is like topic #10 or so you make about the same subject.
I allready asked you in one of your other topics,
to keep your search for a distro on one certain topic.

Its just pointless to create a new topic about the same subject over and over again.


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The people on this forum are rather adept at answering similar posts in the same way. Considering I’ve seen a few like this I feel it’s prudent that you search for a topic or heed the forums built in warning system about posting similar topics. Most of these types of questions have been answered. However I do generally welcome you to L1T…

As for a suggestion…

Ubuntu or Solus for gaming. Install a distro if you dont like it hop around until you find your sweet spot. Keep in mind because linux doesnt get to stellar of gaming performance even now as of nearly 2019 (get butthurt later opensource geeks its fucking true)… 10 percent is only marginally better and you should settle fir which distro makes you most comfortable

I used to browse /runixporn and see all the neato obscure tiling Wm’s on Void or what have you, and they do look cool. There’s even a Gentoo user who posts these cool looking setups, but when you finish playing with config files and actually start using your PC, what are you doing to do? You’re going to download VLC, Chrome/Firefox, and you’re going to start using your PC.

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This is pretty important and OEMS support Ubuntu as well with drivers like AMD and nVidia. Ubuntu is always a good place to start especially with the mountain of help topics available.

This goal was good encouragement for me and many others. Regardless of what you choose take the 1yr Linux challenge.

Good luck.


No but srs @GardenData61371, do what the Sgt said, distro hopping is a waste of braincells.

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Tbh, maybe you should just use Windows…

I am an adamant Linux user, but if your primary use case is gaming, even the best options are going to be subpar and potentially complicated in comparison.

If you want to use Linux for moral reasons, then I agree with @SgtAwesomesauce, Solus is your best option.

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Hell, for any reason. I started using Linux for the challenge.

I keep hearing about this Linux challenge, what is it?

Using Linux as your daily driver for a year.

You get a fancy badge if you complete it.

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