I should have listened

Everybody told me not to buy BF4 but it looked so fun... $25 was too good of a deal. Turns out the game is unbearable, I don't care if it was free. And no I'm not a frustrated player who was just bad at the game (2000 hrs combined BC2/BF3 and 2 CEVO seasons). Everything about the game, graphics, customization, sound, is great. EXCEPT FOR THE FUCKING GAME ITSELF! If you like doing good and being good at FPS games, then don't play BF4.

  • Netcode is awful, you die 1-2 seconds from shots that were fired at you while you were not in cover AFTER YOU ARE BEHIND A WALL
  • The game is full of dark corners and useless effects (extremely bright light, snow) that just obscure your vision
  • Three DLC's already and the game has been out for only like 6 months 
  • The community is WORSE than COD
  • Getting good weapons, etc. is a grind (unlocking stuff and playing should be fun from the start)
  • Cheap, extremely OP weapons such as the XM-25, and the revolver grenade launcher thing
  • POOR map design (OPERATION LOCKER?!)

And probably countless bugs that I don't care to list. I just submitted a refund request form on Origin. I am very disappointed.

Back to the tried and true CounterStrike I go!

hah yea i rarely play anymore, lest it be to troll.

yeah, you should of listened lol. If you don't own it then pick up BF3 with premium, its like 30 bucks for both on origin. And its not broken.

I have BF3 with Premium, but its hard to find servers sometimes. And its a little dry for me. I have done everything you can do in that game, but I still play from time to time.