I recently started getting ads on chrome how do i get rid of them

I haven't downloaded anything in a month except for steam games. I've checked all programs. I've searched my pc extensively for anything out of place. I've run multiple male-ware software. I dont have any extensions.

is this chrome doing this? i only started getting it recently. I don't download anything im not 100% sure about on this pc. this is my gaming and editing pc. Its strictly safe things like youtube, amazon, newegg, and wiki for the internet.

i also don't use adblocker. it downloaded many programs and extensions i didn't want

If you look at the ads it says ads by superadremove. look in the chrome extension list to see if somehow a extension got added by accident or if an old extension suddenly decided to cash it.

ive done that. all that is there is is last pass to remember my passwords

Have you tried AdBlock?

ive used it before and it adds more ads. it downloaded 4 extensions adding more. it downloaded them almost immediately after i added adblocker

What Antivirus are you using?

maleware bytes


Try Avast. If it doesn't work try reinstalling Chrome.

java, chrome, adobe, and silverlight is all that is there

Dose it happen on other pcs/ browsers. if so another device is injecting them.(infected router or geedy isp)

i have reinstalled it as well and o will try avast

ive checked my other laptops and desktops i have and nothing happens on them

same with IE and firefox?

its on them

If it only affects one pc and all browsers its probably a virus/spyware of some sort. looks like its trying to make money by injecting legit ads.
Do you use a vpn on that pc?

i do not have a vpn. ive been wanting to but its a matter of credit card stuff. I figured it was a virus but i wanted to see if anyone had a solution just incase

just checking because If the vpn want legit it could do this.
One last thing check default search engine probably isn't it but worth a check. make sure its really google. you have a different url than i do when i search that.

ive checked but ill check again to make sure now that you have said that