I need sone help Building my first gaming pc!

I'm a 15 year old kid who lives in Australia. I'm looking to build my first gaming pc, for the last 10 years I've been a console kid but its time to join the master race.

I've only got a budget of about $800 including the OS and a keybored and a mouse (I've got a pretty crappy monitor to save money until I get enough funds to upgrade).
I would like my pc to run most of the new games at better then console graphics at 60fps.
Im aware that there are a huge amount of pc build guides on YouTube but the vast majority of them are in America where (as far as I know) pc parts are less expensive... I don't need the case to be very pretty or my parts to match colour wise as its going to sit below my desk. Any help would be greatly appreciated thanks.

I can but a full build together on pcpartpicker in a bit but first, if you can find an iso for windows 8.1 (not too hard to find) you can get a pretty cheap key from G2A (among other sites but I trust this one and it has a guarantee on top of that) and I can include that price in the build

I have got a 270X for sale that I used to own which ran fine and need to get rid of. Just check out on the Buy Sale Trade subforums for my post will be adding that into my PCPartpicker Link. I am also an Aussie just pm me for the details about the 270x. Oh btw the price for the 270x is without shipping so yeah.


I know it seems like a lot is missing, but the case is really up to you (pick something micro atx and larger) and MrChumps might have a deal for you (otherwise picking a gpu isn't particularly difficult

have fun building it!