I need some advice/direction about making my own de

Here is my issue. I want to fork gnome and load it with custom apps and tweaks. I can download all the files and tweak them and what not. However I do not know how to package everything back up and turn it into a desktop session.

I kind of feel like an architect right now. I have designed a building on paper, but I lack the civil engineering in order to turn it into an actual building.

Are there any resources you can suggest so that I can continue on with the project?

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Fantastic, what a project! Here's a couple of links that may help you out.

Link: http://www.wikihow.com/Build-Your-Own-Linux-Distro
Link: http://www.linuxvoice.com/build-your-own-linux-distro/

Be sure to post up your progress. Can't wait to test it out.

GNOME uses JHBuild to build and test their projects, generally you can use jhbuild run pkg-config gtk+-2.0 --modversion in the project directory to test your fork. Take a look at JHBuild's documentation/manual for more information.

awesome, this is definitely part of what I needed.