I need new headphones

I currently own ATH-M50 (modded). I noticed the headphones were a little to bassy. Bass clouded highs and drowned mids. i personally fixed that and will alert everyone when i post video on youtube.


Im going to get serious about my music experience..and am ready to pass my m50's on to my GF. They are tremendeous pair of cans those modded M-50 are..but time to move on the better things.


I want to stay in the 100 ohms due to my technoligy limitations

Over ear, Open Or Closed


My Likes

**AKG K701 (Q701) 62 ohms $255.00

  10Hz - 39.8kHz

**Beyer DT770 PRO 80 ohms $229.99

  5 - 35.000 Hz

**Sennheiser HD 598 50 ohms $249.95 

  12 - 38500 Hz

**V-MODA Crossfade LP2 (LP) 32 ohms $199.99

  5 - 30,000 Hz


My Preference- EVERYTHING!! ...metal mostly >=D

Highs Mids and Lows Should flow Naturally! Bass isnt important..but still should be concidered. Bass should not overpower Mids Highs and should not be recessed..


I don't get the title name?

I guess to grab our attention.

well that's a tad insensitive

the way it was wirtten i was expencting something luke a funny video or story

IF you think that the M50s are bassy, then don't even bother looking at V-moda. DT770s are known as pretty bass heavy cans, so you should probably steer clear of those as well. As far as Sennheiser goes, they are known to have a veiled/dark sound (as their house sound), so you probably don't want to go with those either. The AKG K701/702 or the Q701 should suit you well, though a good amp is always recommended with cans liek those. What is your budget? Without one, I would suggest you look at the HD800 (yes, it is a Sennheiser, but the veiled house sound isn't present. They are known for being very detailed). Around the budget of the ones you posted, I suggest you look at Shure 940, AKG K550, Beyerdynamic DT880, and Hifiman HE400. But if you plan on spending a good deal on headphones, I would suggest that you look into getting a good amp and dac. On a budget, a Fiio E17 is good, but a Schiit stack would do you much better (the cheapest and best valued one being the Magni + Modi).

Budget is  $250 US. 

M-50 are not too bassy...just pressurised bass. It tends to hurt on constant use. Don't get me wrong! I LOVE BASS!....just smooth flowing definate bass...not exaggrated bass like beats or forced bass like my M-50 tend to feel most often.

Just give me your best recommendation..

Well my father is dead to me sinc he sent me away with people i know not of or have any relation to...BUT thats against the point..

Were not here to talk about my daddy problems..just about hedphones =)

The problem is that most higher end headphones will require an amp of some sort to drive them well. With a budget of $250, you won't have much in the way of room for an amp in that budget. Do you have an amp as of now? Might be something you want to consider.

These might be a good choice:   http://www.amazon.com/Over-Ear-Headphones-ComfortMax-Cushions-Earpads/dp/B0093PVTPS


And a review of them here.



And would leave you some room in the budget for this, which would a worthwhile investment.


My future amp will be v...few months from now


Im willing to dish out at least $200 on a pair of awsome cans. Thats why my likes were those pricy ones. I want the best so i dont regret down the line


Im a heavy metal addict..that often jumps on some bassy music and enjoy lots of vocal/classic


My Final Choices

 help me choose...Im still concidering the ones you mentioned

AKG K 240 MK II Stereo Studio Headphones

Beyerdynamic DT 770 PRO 250 or 80 ohms

Beyerdynamic DT-880 Pro Headphones (250 Ohm)

Sennheiser HD 518 Headphones

Sennheiser HD 558 Headphones

The problem with the E12 is that it is only an amp. It is a great amp, but it is only an amp. It has no dac functionality, which is important for getting all of the detail from high bit rate music. This is especially important with high quality headphones as they will more accurately represent the sound that they are being fed, which will reflect the weaknesses leading up to the headphones (low quality music production, low bit rate, sub-par dac, insufficient amping).

I think that you ought to cross the DT770s off of your list because they are pretty well known for their impactful bass, which is what you didn't like about the M50s. I think that if you really want to be wowed by a pair of headphones, you should spend a bit more. The thing about headphones is that unlike computer parts, they won't (generally speaking) become outdated. A video card that was $500 three years ago isn't worth close to that now. A pair of headphones that was $400 ten years ago, is probably still worth around $400 (for another new pair). If you plan to get a decent amp, then the AKG Q701 would probably be a good choice. They are lean in the bass, but generally considered to be very detailed and accurate. A little less lean sounding would be the DT880 (the preffered model is the 600OHM, also requiring a decent amp). It is also known for being very detailed, but a bit less accurate and bit more fun sounding. Read the differences between the models of Beyer headphones in the link below. Both the DT880 and the AKG Q701 (which is basically the same as the K701 and the K702) are generally well liked for metal music. You would probably like the DT880 better overall. Be warned though, the DT880 and the AKG Q701 have a treble which some consider to be too much (fatiging and sometimes called harsh or piercing). It varies from person to person, so you will have to listen to them yourself in order to know for sure. If you plan to up your budget at all, know that the Hifiman He400 (fun sound with great bass) and Mad Dogs(kind of laid back sound - more musical - and can only be bought directly from Mr. Speakers' website, last I checked; link below).





Beyer 80ohm(own and using now) are not bassy unless the bass is amped or they are amped at 80 ohms, they are the mmx300 minus the mic which is the best gaming headset imo. Coming from an owner I highly recommend, and their customer service is amazing. The bass is great, but sounds natural, and is not not overpowering every part of the spectrum is clear imo.