I need new competitive multiplayer games

Hey Everyone, recently I have been getting bored of steam because I don't know what to play. My favorite types of games are very competitive multiplayer games.  I just broke 400 hours on DOTA 2 and I am slowly getting sick of it.  I sometimes play CS:GO, but I am not really loving it at all.  Any games I should try? I like FPS and MOBAs the most, but I am open to anything. Thanks.

Try insurgency! Its a great tactical fps! http://www.playinsurgency.com/  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0SnTzvCH6lc

You could try StarCraft II. It's neither an FPS or a MOBA, but an RTS. So perhaps you will not enjoy it. It is pretty competitive though.

Get into Loadout. It is free but not pay to win, all pay for items are cosmetic only. It is a mad cap, fast paced team based shooter. Rooms of eight divided into two teams of four and multiple game modes like, capture point, capture the hammer (dangerous flag), team kill confirm death match and more like that. You have 4 choices of weapons and they are completely customisable. You can run a standard assault rifle or turn it into a lightening charged Gatling cannon. O take a rock launcher and build it to a cluster mortar.

It is very fun and I usually don't go for competitive shooters but I always come back to Loadout.

ShootMania is an arena style shooter very similar to Quake. It can be pretty fun.

TF2 obviously. Also try half life death match as that is pretty hardcore. Try quake live and serious sam.