I need help

I have been saving and waiting to build my computer and I'm still saving to buy a gpu, and a bigger storage. I currently have a nzxt s340, a asus z97 pro mobo, an i7 4790k, intel 530 ssd 120gb, a 80gb WD HDD, corsair vengences 2x8gb, x61, and 750w rosewill modular psu. It took very long time to get all together, I still need to do cable management to make it look nice. I don't have OS cd but a friend is gonna let me borrow one and I'm gonna use an old dvd drive to install them. I was going to check if everything was working fine, and if it would ask me to insert the os, but when I plugged everything, the screen was black, the fans didn't go, their was only a red light turned on my mobo. I thought I might of plugged in the cables in wrong so I tried again and again. I don't have a manual for mobo, all I have is a exclusive feature booklet that came with my mobo. I have all my fans connected to my liquid cooler cable, to which I assumed that's what its for, I don't know if I plugged the liquid cooler cables wrong, because I couldn't figure out which cable belong to which cable. I don't have all the cables connect to the psu, I don't know if that's an issue. I could use some help with my first build.

Water cooling for your first build? Seems a little risky.

FYI I had the exact same issue when I build my brothers PC. It ended up being a DOA mobo and was easily returned and replaced by the vendor I bought it from.

As for liquid cooling I cannot advise if cabling is right although generally every power cable should be plugged in.

Maybe just try pressing down on the cables and make sure they are in there nice and tight.

As a matter of habit I always test a new combo outside the case - just cpu, motherboard, ram, keyboard and monitor connected. If fails to boot then swap out ram, if fails again its the board ~ bent pins or DOA. Unlikely its ever the cpu.

Fingers crossed you havent left a motherboard standoff in the wrong position and its shorted out something.

Also double check every connection - power, front io etc. If you're unsure of anything download the pdf manual.

Why is an AIO cooler risky in this instance? Makes zero sense.

Here is the digital manual booklet http://www.asus.com/us/Motherboards/Z97PRO/HelpDesk_Manual/. Were you able to make it into the BIOS at all?
Go around the mobo and verify that all of you power connectors are plugged in (both 8 pin and 24 pin). Also make sure your psu is switched on lol (I made that mistake).
As a last-ditch effort remove every component except the psu, mobo, cpu and one stick of ram. If does not work switch ram module.
deejeta is right, always verify that your components are functioning before you assemble in the case. Makes troubleshooting much easier.
If all these fail I would assume your mobo is bad. Call Asus/vendor and request a DOA.
It is very unfortunate this happened on your first build.

I have a disk that says chipset support I don't know if it should say bios, but I want to go with, no I dobt . thank you for the manual. My cables are connected. I've checked them quite a bit. I'm still kind of new into building.

Yea, but I don't have a place I can place them. I don't even a CPU cooler besides the x61, oh god! How do I know if my mobo is shortage out?

I'll take a picture of my build of every angle so you guys can see.

Think of the BIOS as your motherboard's operating system. It comes pre-installed, so there is no need to install it. When you turn your system on it will immediately load into the BIOS.
The BIOS will look like this http://www.legitreviews.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/04/asus-z97-pro-wifi-bios-1-645x483.jpg.
At this point don't worry about installing your operating system. We need to verify that your motherboard is functioning.
Concerning the cooler, follow the manual to assure it is installed properly as I am unfamiliar with this particular cooler.

To test the motherboard, first unplug your SSD, HDD and disk drive.
Then remove your graphics card (if you have one) and one ram module.
All you should have installed is your PSU, CPU, MOBO, one RAM module and your CPU cooler.
Next install a keyboard, mouse and a display.
Now power on your system and wait for the BIOS to load, if nothing happens swap your RAM modules and power on again.
If your system will still not load into the BIOS, your MOBO is defective. Contact your Vendor and/or Asus for a DOA on the MOBO.

I did all that. My computer still wont turn on, I only get a red light on the motherboard, nothing turns on not even the fans, or psu fan. What can I do? I don't want to wait for another mobo. I don't think I damage he mobo.

It probably wasn't you. It came broken. I had the exact same problem on my first build. Had to swap out the mobo. It's what you going to have to do bro.

I just took my whole build apart and put it back together. I got the liquid cooler x61 logo to light up, I don't know if its a sign that my computer works or something else

Well, I tried everything, the only thing I could get to work was the liquid cooler logo to light up and the power button, I'm gonna be changing it for another one, I didn't think mobo could be faulty. I'm so upset about it.

The last thing you could do is try turning on your system with the power button located on the mobo. The manual will tell you where it is. It is possible you wired the power switch on your case wrong.

I didn't wire it wrong, it really was defective. I called the seller, he was most unhelpful, so I ended up calling asus and sure enough it was defective, so I contacted the seller, the same guy from last time, so now I'm gonna have to wait till tomorrow to receive instruction on how to return it. I wanted to send it today to speed up the process but he said no, my new motherboard should be here on tuesday, which sucks because I have coding class and I had HW over the week and I need my new computer to built, so that I can finish it, I disassembled it and reassembled it three times.

Alright, good luck.