I am in 9th grade and this is my last day to turn things in. and I can’t figure this one out if I run the code below with out inputs it is find but if it has inputs it has a pissy fit
here are the instructing
and here is my code (it’s java btw);
import java.util.Scanner;
public class Main {
public static void main(String[] args) {
Scanner input = new Scanner(System.in);
String dummy;
dummy = input.nextLine();//creating the objects
int one = input.nextInt();
int two = input.nextInt();
int three = input.nextInt();
int newfour = input.nextInt();
String booktitle = input.nextLine();
String aother = input.nextLine();
int nextpags = input.nextInt();
String booktitle2 = input.nextLine();
String aother2 = input.nextLine();
int nextpages2= input.nextInt();
int nextpags3 = input.nextInt();
String booktitle3 = input.nextLine();
String aother3 = input.nextLine();
int nextpags4 = input.nextInt();
String booktitle4 = input.nextLine();
String aother4 = input.nextLine();
books book2 = new books();
books book1 = new books();
books book3 = new books();
books book4 = new books();
int bookratingforpoetry;
bookratingforpoetry= one;
book2.rating = bookratingforpoetry;
book2.book_title = booktitle;
book2.Author= aother;
book2.Number_of_pages = nextpags;
int bookratingforsomethiong_randome;
book1.rating = two;
book1.book_title =booktitle2;
book1.Author =aother2;
book1.Number_of_pages = nextpages2;
int book3_rating;
book3.rating = three;
book3.book_title = booktitle3;
book3.Author = aother3;
book3.Number_of_pages = nextpags3;
int book4_rating;
book4.rating = newfour;
book4.Author = aother4;
book4.Number_of_pages = nextpages2;
//printing out the books
System.out.println("Book Title: "+book1.book_title);
System.out.println(" Author: "+book1.Author);
System.out.println(" Pages: "+book1.Number_of_pages);
System.out.println(" Rating: "+book1.rating);
System.out.println("Book Title: "+book2.book_title);
System.out.println(" Author: "+book2.Author);
System.out.println(" Pages: "+book2.Number_of_pages);
System.out.println(" Rating: "+book2.rating);
System.out.println("Book Title: "+book3.book_title);
System.out.println(" Author: "+book3.Author);
System.out.println(" Pages: "+book3.Number_of_pages);
System.out.println(" Rating: "+book3.rating);
System.out.println("Book Title: "+book4.book_title);
System.out.println(" Author: "+book4.Author);
System.out.println(" Pages: "+book4.Number_of_pages);
System.out.println(" Rating: "+book4.rating);
//printing out the sintences
int allpages = book1.Number_of_pages+book2.Number_of_pages+book3.Number_of_pages+ book4.Number_of_pages;
System.out.println("The total number of pages of all the books is "+allpages+" pages.");
int title_amounts = book1.book_title.length() + book2.book_title.length()+book3.book_title.length()+book4.book_title.length();
System.out.println("The total number of characters in all the book titles is "+title_amounts+" characters.");
String that_author_string =book1.Author.substring(0,1)+book2.Author.substring(0,1)+book3.Author.substring(0,1)+book4.Author.substring(0,1);
System.out.println("The lowercased first initial of each author's name in a single string is "+that_author_string+".");
int average_almoust = book1.rating+book2.rating+book3.rating+book4.rating ;
int four = 4;
int average = average_almoust / four;
System.out.println("The average rating of all listed books is "+ average+" stars.");
class books{//book class
int rating;
String Author;
int Number_of_pages;
String book_title;