I'm having trouble even knowing where to start. It will be for mainly csgo, but I also want to be able to watch Netflix without my game stuttering. I'd like to keep it under $350 if possible. No drives needed. Thanks!!
http://pcpartpicker.com/p/9tQHt6 on budget with rebates. Otherwise there's the APU route with some high speed ram. Or an ex-business machine (i3,i5 etc) + a nvidia 750ti gpu (will be fine with even a shitty prebuilt pc's psu).
I know csgo is more cpu reliant, is the g3258 enough?
Start with how well you want the game to run. CS:GO can run on a certified potato, but how well it can play competitively... is debatable.
However, enjoy. http://pcpartpicker.com/p/vx2sFT and http://pcpartpicker.com/p/bbw4Q7
I probably recommend the Intel build, as Source is rather CPU intensive, and Intel just does that better. But both should play the game at 1080p at 60 FPS, maybe 70 FPS. The 750 should help with frame drops in smoke, which is a problem when using integrated graphics (at least an HD 4600). Monitor, OS and drives not included.
- http://www.anandtech.com/show/8232/overclockable-pentium-anniversary-edition-review-the-intel-pentium-g3258-ae/4
- http://www.guru3d.com/articles_pages/pentium_20th_anniversary_series_g3258_processor_review,14.html
- http://www.tweaktown.com/articles/6526/intel-pentium-g3258-haswell-20th-anniversary-cpu-gaming-performance/index.html
For the price you cant expect miracles but imho it does ok for what it is. What you could do is in 12months time (if need be) is pick up an i5 for cheap and you will be in good shape again.
Thank you!!
I do agree with getting a better CPU when the money comes around. The better the CPU, the better the experience.
Intel build http://pcpartpicker.com/p/gFZtYJ
Amd build http://pcpartpicker.com/user/kmnjh/saved/33cv6h
I'd like to keep and ssd and i need to keep it under $500 USD (as low as possible)
Go with this, 8350 is much better than both and you get a combo discount with this ATX board(bigger board, less heat)
inb4 Intel fanboys change it to an i3 xD
I'd definitely spend an extra $20 and get a better motherboard. Down the line you'll probably want to upgrade the RAM, so I'd get a motherboard with 4 slots instead of two, so if you do decide to get more RAM you won't have to scrap your old sticks.
That motherboard is about $20 more and's probably more dependable IMHO