I need help to bring a Xbox clan over to pc

im looking into bringing a Xbox clan to PC gaming. im not a member however im helping them with the challenge.

we will probably need to build 16 rigs to bring the members with sub par PCs over.  the leader of the clan thinks $600 is a low enough budget for most of the members to afford. half of the clan is in the uk the other half is in the us.

suggestions on a cookie cutter build will be much appreciated  amd and intel are wide open . the cases just have to be functional   they record lets plays on xbox and pc as well 

Maybe something along the lines of this build. Although it does go over $600 maybe they can find an OS install locally for cheap. They can play around with the case too if they desire. http://pcpartpicker.com/p/3J2iO

The note about the graphics card compatibility only applies when you have the hard drive installed in the highest available drive bay, moving it down to the bottom or down two will be fine.

this is the kind thing im looking for, thank you.