I need help prioritizing the upgrades i want to do to my rig

Ok here is my full rig in it's current state.


Now there are thing about my rig i am not really happy with,and i plan to upgrade some when i get my income tax with what ever is left after a few small car repairs,and getting me a new phone(looking into a GS 2),but i would like help prioritizing them so i know which to get first,the rest i will save up and get as i can afford to lol.

Now starting from the top of the list i want to upgrade my cpu cooler cause i have seen my temps get to close for my comfort to AMD "max safe temp" for my cpu(which is 61c)my cooler got to 59c after 15-20min of prime 95.

i also want to upgrade my ram,cause i have run into the problem where i will have all my normal stuff open,and then i will set minecraft with 5gb allocated to it so that it does not crash if i blow up a bunch of tnt,plus i noticed it has a CAS of 10.

I need to buy a new hard also cause my current one causes frame rate problems in some of my game, so i am going to get one for just my games.

I want to upgrade my keyboard cause i have problems every so often with keys sticking,also it just feels cheap,and on top of that i want something that is backlit & has dedicated media keys.

I want to get a new headset also cause i am having problems with my G35,if to much is going on(like i have pandora going while playing D3 with a large pack of monstors attacking me)it will start to distort and get a little bit static noise,i may want to get a sound card depending on what i get.

And last i would like to upgrade my Hannspree monitor cause it is only 1680x1050(my other screens are 1080p)i was thinking of getting an IPS panel(22-24 inch)and then using my other 1080p screens as my side screens.(my current main screen is the samsung)

Oh i almost forgot that i also would like to get another 7970 at some point.

None of my decisions are set in stone yet,so i would appreciate any/all upgrade suggestions you guys have.

Thank you guys so much for the help.

CPU cooler: Are you interested in water cooling or only air cooling? The Havik 140 is a proper air cooler for a great price($50 or so) or the H80/H100 will also cool your system proper. For the money, the Havik atleast and for the bling  and  top performance factor the H80/H100. I will link you with a benchmark of all the coolers as soon as i find out where i saved the .png file.

The ram i agree but are you willing to do something odd? Get the maximum ram that you can get at the fastest speed(OC will be very limited if any at all on the ram), then run a Ramdisk with your games in it. With 32GB of ram you can pump quite a lot of games in it, it would eliminate the hard drive issue as well as the ram makes a SSD and a HDD look like  molases in the arctic.

Another 7970? you sir are my kind of crazy! The keyboard and monitor bits i do not know squat about so others will guide you on those.

I would like to get the h100i if i can afford it,but it depends on how much my car repairs are and how much i can save up.

The ran disk is a cool idea,but the problem is that i have so many game my steam folder is almost 500gb(85-90% of the game were bought on sale for 50-75% off lol) and there is enough of the ones i play often it would not fit on a ram disk that i could make with my mobo,the framerate problem i have shows up on my HDD,but not on my SSD,i think it might be a problem with my HDD,so i was thinking of getting a WD RE4 1TBand put my games on it.

I want to get another 7970 cause when i started building my system(i bought the case+MOBO+CPU+RAM first then the psu and gpu later)i want it to be able to play any game for on max @1080p and get at least 60fps,i get that in BF3,but there are some game that i can't get that with like batman:AC,dirt showdown,GTA4,and arma 2,and there may be 1-2 more i don't remember.

That is indeed quite a lot of games,  that's the WD red series drives? If so yes it will do well for that. Have you installed the latest AMD drivers for your card?

yeah it is a lot of game just my steam game alone i have over 100 lol,here is the drive i was thinking of getting(http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16822136798)it is an enterprise grade drive

Also according to the amd.com i am,i checked sapphire.com and i have newer than thier latest driver lol so i am currently using the amd driver which is 12.10 sapphire's was 12.8

should i keep using the amd driver or switch to the sapphire driver for any reason?

That drive will definitely do fine,  and the drivers then leave them be if you have the latest amd drivers. I just find it odd that you can not get 60+fps in dirt showdown with your card, that game is not really that hard on graphics cards.

I only have problems hitting 60fps in dirt showdown when i have some new graphics setting they have(called Advanced Lighting and Global Illumination)if i turn those off i get 60+fps.i have heard of people using a gtx 670 and still having the same problem.

My editted list for your build: http://pcpartpicker.com/p/uLYy

The H100i would be great for this. AMD's CPU's (especially the FX series) run very hot, so the extra long radiator for the 100 over the 80 is good. I would get 2 replacement fans for the H100i as the Corsair fans can be loud. I know from experience with the H80, although the H100i is supposed to come with improved fans. Up to you on that one if noise can bother you.

I was going to suggest the RAMDisk idea as well, but I can see how that won't work with sooo many games. If it makes you feel better, most HDD's can hit 120 MB/s read speeds and this means it would take, at most, 1-2 minutes to transfer a game from your HDD to the RAMDisk. I added 2 modules of 8 GB of Kingston 1600 megahertz RAM. You can just put these in the two empty slots in your motherboard. It's fine to mix module sizes, it won't affect performance at all. Then, one day if you want, you can upgrade to having 4 sticks of 8 GB memory.

It's CAS is 10 as well. You will not notice a difference between 9 and 10 CAS. The only way you would is if you were using an APU that heavily relies on the RAM. If it really does bother you, you can change the CAS yourself in the BIOS. Google a basics guide for overclocking RAM. 

If you still want to get another HDD anyway (Use SpeedFan's S.M.A.R.T. data collection to see the health of your drive and compare it to other drives like it), I recommend just getting a Caviar Blue 1 TB drive. Western Digital recently bought the HDD manufacturing branch of Hitachi/HGST, so their HDD quality has gotten better.  It'd save you $50 anyway. Up to you but that's what I put on that pc part list.

I prefer the Microsoft SIDEWINDER X4 Keyboard personally. It's the one I'll be getting for my current build. Red backlight, macro/media keys, etc. Only $41 too.

I recommend a sound card to filter out the distortion you hear. Onboard sound can sometimes be iffy in quality. Unless your headset is defective, I wouldn't expect a G35 to have distortion. Asus' Xonar series is good for gaming. The D1 is the cheapest version that is also above 110 SNR which is what cuts out the static you likely hear. 

For the monitor, there are 2 Dell's I would recommend. One is 21.5" and $139.99 and the other is 23" and is $219.99. The inches in size is the only difference that matters for gaming/viewing as far as I can tell. That one is up to you but I went with the cheaper one as I wouldn't miss 1.5" in place of $80.

I would put off the 7970 for last personally. AMD is better than nVidia at multi-monitor support/gaming, so you should be fine with one card for quite some time. Just buy another one of the exact same version when you do decide to upgrade it. 

Anyway, those are my suggestions. I responded in the order you brought up the things you wanted to upgrade/change.

This would be my upgrade path:

CPU Cooler -> HDD -> Keyboard -> Sound Card -> RAM -> Monitor -> GPU

I did it in order of necessity.

Asus PA248Q or Dell U2412M will serve you well for 24" IPS gaming display.

Keyboard: maybe look at Logitech G710+ but I'm not sure what type of keyboards you like, etc.  It's so very subjective

Try a Seagate Momentus XT 750GB HDD for your games or a simple WD Black or Seagate 1TB/platter drive.

Guys, i have decided on my upgrades and would like to know what you guys think.


The mobo i have on there is not for me,i plan on getting it when i get the 8350 and the ram,then i will give my 8150 and my current ram to my mom to upgrade her old HP(which currently has an E2180 and 3gb of ddr2)

I decided on getting a new case cause according to the nzxt website the x60 is not supported by the haf 932.

With these upgrades decided,in what order should i get them?

Good sir i do not see a PSU on that list, did you forget to include it or are you looking for suggestions? You should get them all in one shot if possible, when you start to spread your parts across a long time scale it makes returning DOA's much more difficult because you have to deal with the manufacturer. If that is not possible, how big of a lump can you purchase at a time?

Which motherboard are you going with for your system?

this is my current parts list,http://pcpartpicker.com/p/upZ7, that other list is upgrades i want to get.

That is a pretty nice list, i do have one question, why do you have a 250gb and a 1.5tb? Is that 60gb SSD for cache or for your OS?

Of course there are things that can be adjusted for a few dollars more but why would we change what works, it is a nice system it will do some serious gaming damage!

Ok that is not the exact WD 250GB drive it is an old one sata 1 drive that my brother in law gave me after he upgraded his to a 750gb i can't say no to free space lol,and the 1.5tb i bought over a year ago cause it was on sale for like 60$,the SSD is my main OS drive and i bought it mid last year cause it was on sale for 75$+15 mir(which i never got the stuff for lol)

Now the reasons i want to change stuff starting from the top of the list.

CPU:i love the 8150 but with the fact that my moms HP is getting old(and is bottlenecking the 7750 got her lol),plus the benchmarks logan just released made me drool,and i thought why not get me something while upgrading my moms pc.

CPU COOLER:the HYper 212+ is a good cooler,but on my system it is just not keeping it cool enough for my taste,@ stock under prime 95 load it gets about 3c from AMD's max safe temp for the 8150,and the X60 has been making me drool ever since it came out.

HHD:the reason i want to get those 2 drive is my current 1.5TB is giving me fps drops in some games,also the 250 can't fraps load,and you can't fraps record @ full screen and play a game off the same drive, so i was going to get the WD RE4 for my games,and the seagate for fraps.

GPU:the reason i want to get another 7970 is that when i bought it i was want to be able to get 60+ fps on max on any game,and there are a few game where i can't get that.

SOUND CARD & HEADSET:Because am having problems with my G35,and i can't RMA it cause it was a refurb.

Keyboard:I have been having problems with my acrtosa,plus it feels super cheap,and i want one that does not feel cheap,i also wanted one that was backlit,and had dedicated media keys.

MONITOR:I found that one after logan reviewed the one like it,and i have been wanting an IPS for my main screen for a while now,and i thought why not the 2560x1440 one that is a good price.

CASE:the reason i want to get a new case is cause the X60 is not supported by the HAF 932,plus i love the 10 3.5 drive bays of the blackhawk ultra.

CPU: Have you looked at the 8320 instead of the 8350? It is a lower clock speed (3.5 vs 4.0) but it is $20 less and since you probably will OC it those $20 can go towards some refreshments ;)

Cooler: X60 definitely looks solid and performs well but it just has not been out long enough for me(even if it's design has been out under other names), i like to stick with what's been proven to last and there are other options out there that have been time tested.

HDD: nothing i can say to that, solid plan!

GPU: Dual 7970's, that will be interesting! Shows us some pictures when you have her together so we can drool!

How is that Cougar PSU? I have not heard a whole lot of anything about that brand, do you have good experiences with it?

I would rather spend the extra $20 and over clock the 8350 to 5Ghz,i do really like the x60,plus i was planing on getting 4 140mm fan i found on newegg that get like 90+ cfm to keep my cpu ice cold lol,and nzxt is a good brand,and since i will be buying the parts one at a time as i can afford them,by the time i get the cooler it should be out long enough.

I will show some pics(like a build log as i get the parts)

I have had this PSU for about 8 months and i have no problems or hicupps at all,also the reason i got it was it was 80$ cheaper than the cosair 1050w and plus linus used a 750w(i think that was the wattage)cougar psu on his test bench for a while,(as seen in this video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cbww3dhzK0M) and i asked what happened to it during one of his live streams and he said that he still has it and is still using it for other stuff.

Fair enough good sir, it seems you have done your homework and are ready to rock and roll! May the PC gods bless your parts with awesome OC ability and powers!

Thank you,and yes i have,cause when i am not gaming or on here(or youtube) i am researching parts lol,plus i will also if i am bored i will randomly build computers on newegg(and never buy them cause i can't afford it lol) i love building rigs.

One last question for anybody who wants to anwser it.

With the parts i want in what order should i get them in?