Hey guys. i was wondering if i could get some opinions on what I should do. I have a pc right now, its not great. I was wondering if its worth it to keep the parts or just buy a whole new pc. I want a build for gaming at decent settings since my laptop just wont cut it anymore, and my desktop does not have the power.
specs of my current desktop:
Asus M4A88T-M mobo,
AMD 955 black edition @ 3.2 Ghz,
CoolerMaster Thermal master 420w PSU,
Seagate 120gb Harddrive,
4GB Kingston RAM 1333, and a
CoolerMaster Elite 334 case.
Is it worth upgrading or should I just buy a whole new pc and start out fresh? I dont want to drop parts into a crappy pc. I am on a budget though. But for playing games like BF3 i may have to go out of my budget. I'm open to any suggestions you guys have. For a pc Build im looking for around $600. Im almost being forced back to console gaming. my Laptop i have at the moment doesnt run anything! let me know what you think!
Sell MB, CPu, PSU and HDD for ~150$, add them to those 600$ and buy this
Phenom 955 wont bottleneck 7950, but if you want to play bf3 (and Bf4) you want a stronger cpu.
Sell your old rig --> http://pcpartpicker.com/p/MzJZ there is no point puting old parts with new parts when you can go new for the amount you have to spend :)
I think AMD 955 is one of amds best processor even today as performs very well for its age, i would just get a new graphic and upgrade the motherboard and CPU later down the road.
Yes the amd phenom ii quad-core is still a great chip even today :D
Upgrade to 8gb of ram get like a 1tb hard drive for more room and a gtx 650ti boost or a 7870
Phenom 955 wont bottleneck 7950,
What about something like a gtx 660 superclocked? (Non Ti)
IF I can find a deal on it
Bottleneck is an overused term, it really only would have a problem in extrememly CPU intensive games, and it's not like it will just straight put a cap on his FPS.