I would like to buy my sister a pc but i cannot decide on what should be in it. I came here today to ask for everyones help or more so opinions on builds. Does not have to be very powerful. Just good enough to play minecraft on with little to no lag and handle small gaming graphics. I'm not looking to spend much but if it works i'll consider it.
this is a decent little APU based build - http://pcpartpicker.com/p/1WzV4
however, if she becomes interested in the thousands of other pc games that are out there, she might want to invest in a good GPU (if she wants the games to run well). but for just minecraft, what i've set up will be just fine.
how can you call the Prodigy huge when Mini ITX is the biggest motherboard form factor it supports? xP and bigger means better airflow - anyways, the node is pretty good and the dual channel 4 gigs was just to hug the budget a little tighter.
http://pcpartpicker.com/p/1WBKx a very upgradable build. The motherboard will support the upcoming amd FM2+ series CPUs and the GPU is great for the price but if you can find a hd 7770 or something similar that will fit your budget and get the free games with it that would work find to. If you or her want to overclock or thing you will want to go to the 750k its about 15usd more but for overclocking it will be great and for the storage (as i dont know how much she will you) i only put in a 1tb but for about 20usd more you can get a 2tb. And yes i know its a stupid case but i have one and its great, it has everything you need and thats it.
its cheap bro. lol cheap is cheap any way you look at it. he gave no budget and said it had to be low cost so thats what i did and for minecraft you dont need 4 way titans and a 3960x lol.