I need an analysis and stamp of approval!

Hey guys, this is my first time actually parting out and building a PC, and I was just looking to get your thoughts. Originally I wanted to have a $1000 budget, but I wanted a GTX 980, so I was willing to go over budget specifically for the graphics card. Now of course I've gone over by a lot haha, and still need to buy a monitor too. It's around $1550, but closer to $1850 once tax and shipping are added in. Thoughts?


I need to make sure the motherboard will actually support raid 0 with 4 drives (that's the point of the SSDs, it's really about the same cost as one larger SSD, so why not), and that the power supply has enough connecters for the GTX 980, but other than that I'm pretty happy with it. Let me know what you guys think!

THis build is silly really and kind of a mess. Spending money just to spend money it seems. 

Is this just going to be a gaming rig? Are you going to be OCing? 

Well first off you got a "k" part and an H97 motherboard. You should get a Z97 board if you want to OC or a locked CPU if you don't. 

The SSD thing is dumb. Even if it is the same price as one large SSD I wouldn't do it. You won't notice the speed benefits and if one drive fails you lose all the data on the array. Plus, you really don't need 1TB of SSD space. You don't. 

Get a single better SSD and more mechanical storage if you need the space. 

The 980 is pointless. You're spending, in this case, over $300 more than a 970 for 5-10 more FPS over a 970. You could two 970s for that price that would destroy it. 

You PSU isn't very good either. 


Here. This will perform only a little slower in game and you can OC. 

250gb ssd is a good size, 120 is claustrophobic, For gaming and general purpose 1tb ssd is pointless and wallet/soul destroying when you see price drops year after year as is the way of things although it is levelling out.