I have recently bought a new computer, and I was wondering if there is a solid, free anti-Virus. I need this as soon as possible.
I like Avast. It seems pretty decent. Others prob have some recommendations.
Really though, the best AV is common sense. Don't agree, click, install, run, open, or give permission to any file, program, link, document, ect. unless you know what it is. If you are downloading something check the file extension. A picture shouldn't end with .exe. Just think and you shouldn't need an antivirus. I haven't run one in a very long time and I have never once, on any PC I own, had an issue with malware.
They're generally not as dependable as their bigger brothers but as far as free versions go I would depend on Avira right now, and maybe keep the free version of Malwarebytes AntiMalware around as a "second opinion" manual scanner.
If any user on the system cannot be trusted not to install programs that pop up on whichever website, then I'd highly recommend paying for something like Kaspersky Internet Security instead.
kaspersky sucks.
Tried Microsoft security essentials? simple, bloatfree and dosen't take up much resources.
I run Microsoft Security essentials but I also have a paid version of Malware Bytes Anti-Malware. Malware Bytes is only about 25 bucks for a lifetime licence. On my families pc's I use a combination Microsoft Security Essentials and MB Anti-Malware Free version as a manual scanner.
I've also had good results with Spybot - Search and Destroy.
I like Microsoft Security Essentials because of it's unobtrusiveness and it doesn't appear to hog resources.
That said I would not use MS Security Essentials and only MS Security Essentials because none of them get everything.
Hope I helped.
You don't need an anti-virus. They all are unreliable.
Protect yourself with good security practices.
Actually its hard for me to recommend Avast because of its new found levels of invasiveness and the way its impacting system preformance. Still like some of the features tho. Still use it. Will be moving away from it soon.
Commonsense. Its my favorite! lol
The best solid free anti-virus is using your head and not clicking suspicious links. I can't really recommend any of the "free" anti-viruses, since they are mostly just cut down versions of paid ones. IMO just spend the money to get a real paid one. Just my 2cents.
Common sense is the best anti virus. Number two is malwarebytes.
Yeah avast. When you get it but disable all the sounds unless you want to shit yourself at 3 in the morning. "VIRUS DATABASE UPDATED!"
I use Bitdefender in my home because common sense dosent exist in my family. (Apart from myself) It doesn't intrude or use up too much memory like others do
i use 3 programs to keep my system clean.
- Avira Antivir Free edition. virus scanner.
- Spybot Search & Destroy. spyware scanner.
- Malware Bytes anti malware. Malware scanner.
I never have any troubles with spyware virusses or malware or whats so ever, i scan with all the 3 scanners, once a week.
Linux with ClamAV.