I made a small case mod for my work computer!

Like the title says, i think that i made a pretty fancy case mod on my work computer!

So i started with making a model in Photoshop of Mona Lisa where i just made everything in black and white. actually I used this guide right here; https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uFjaMVnGzGA
This is ist the bigest mod you will se but its a small addon with a old boring computer that are just sitting there.

The idea was to not make it look that boring that it used to, however the result could have been so much better if i had taken more time and used better tools.

Then i cut out the Black parts of the picture with a sharp knife. the tricky part was to the inside of the stencil since its really hard to cut it with a large knife. I've could have done it better if i had a sharper knife but the budget wast big enough for that.

Here is the result: http://gyazo.com/edb4280b776aa964980a500ebfe74ea2

Since im very new to the forum, i was wondering if there was a way to make the post look better? regardless, thanks for any feedback!