So I have a 6700K and I haven't really been using it overclocked but I figure I should, I read a load and watched a ton of You tube vids including the Oracle Wendell.
But I am confused as under Linux sensors gives me a load of crap values which I have to manually scale, WTF? I mean really this is bonkers BUT I LOVE Linux just think its FUBAR for most people BUT that's another story!
SO what values for voltage?, and should I worry that if I run at 4.8 GHz at 1.35 volts stress test it locks my system but under normal use it seems fine?
But some people say 1.45 volts is fine, I use adaptive is that OK to run a higher voltage ever so often?
So much differing info I'm not sure what is safe or bad, I guess I would like the proc to last but feel I paid the extra to overclock so I should right ?
Skylake can take 1.4 no problem. 1.45 is not necessarily ideal for 24/7 scenarios, but probably safe. If you're getting lockups then lower the clock. also: even overclocked chips will reach EOL far before they burn out as long as you don't put absolutely retarded numbers into bios.
Hey tkoham, I get no lock ups at higher Clock Freq if I up my voltage but sensors gives me a the complete incorrect voltage reading so I tried setting the voltage to manual in the bios and scaled sensors up to give me the value of the constant voltage I had set with manual setting( but I have no idea if that OK I just hope for the best given what seems logical)
So I can monitor the voltage and I can see it doesn't go over the limit I placed in the Bios currently at 1.35 at 4.7Ghz no lock ups under stress. But obviously I would like to push it some more but at safe levels, I can see voltage is the thing which is the limiting factor!
But do you think if I up to 1.4 volts using adaptive it should be OK it wont be running at that 24/7 very rarely do I stress it?
I would be more concerned with temperatures. I've ran 1.5v on my 6600k before just to see how far I could get it, but I quickly hit higher temps than I was comfortable with.
Was exactly were you were a year ago with my 8320e/970m pro 3 One thing abou OC'ing is it forces you to learn about MB and bios stuff you never thought off.
Linux tools are lacking but after a while I started using behavior as a guide, for stability I gave up on Prime95 and figure if I can play my game that is all the stability I need.
On mine I went with BCLK cause of the weakness of my MB (4+1) and air cooling plus my 8320e is weak on single thread, plus I really like the turbo on it.
In Linux the cpu temp was like the third temp and labeled something weird. Best of luck and if you get frustrated you can always take a week off, read more, then try again. Oh that pit in your stomach when your system is dead and you reset the Bios on the MB........everybody hates that feeling:) One thing helped was spending a few days reading all the AM3+ posts in the OC forums. Worse then reading my honeydo list, but it helped.
Stress, mandelbulber 2 and blender are all adequate stress testing tools on linux, if you need some in the future. Also, AMD temp sensors don't report accurate data on any OS really.
the thing about overclocking that stops me from bothering is that there's no "how to overclock a 4790k" for my example. i have a h100 AIO cooler, but i've never overclocked. the general idea seems to be that you are limited by your chip, your motherboard and the silicon lottery. the former two i can Google, but i know nothing about timings or voltages or testing it once i've done it or what base level things to try, and on and on. and the information i would need to do that is just so inconsistently spread all over the internet that it rivals custom loop watercooling in the "if you're new, this probably isn't for you, but if you know what you're doing you'll be right" circular logic department.
Timings only matter on memory, generally you dont mess with them. at least not at first.
Voltage for intel chips, general rule for 2500k all the way to 7700k is ~1.35v max not because it cant take more but because temps can become higher than desirable. You can go as high as 1.5v (in fact I have for a short time) if you can manage the temps. Many people have different ideas about whats too high but personally I dont want to see anything higher than 75c. {Personally I never run more than 65c because ambient temps matter.
Testing is pretty simple, pick your CPU benchmark of choice. Prime95, is a popular one but a lot of people dont like it because it puts an unrealistic load on the cpu. The fact is though if its stable in Prime95 it will be stable in everyday use. Run it for an hour and see what happens.
Start by turning off speedstep and pushing the multiplier one value at a time until the system isnt stable anymore, then add voltage until its stable. Rinse repeat. I find that its faster for me to lock in the clock speed I want, and bump voltage until it works but there is no perfect way to go about it. You can either spend a lot of time dialing in the perfect settings or go for gold and hope you get lucky, both have their cons.
Generally speaking, theres a risk involved. You could lose your whole system. If you dont mind that risk theres no reason to not try if you want to learn how.
thanks for finding all of that. one of my main issues still is [from the page] "(This guide was made using a R.O.G. Maximus Vii Forumla WC, some terms or settings may differ depending on specific hardware.)"
i don't have that motherboard, the bios will be different. so that leads me back to guesswork on my end. but that's on me for not wanting to risk my system. the information is appreciated none the less.