I just got my Microsoft health band‏!

I am going to be using it for the next two weeks

seems like a decent bit of kit so far, will give a report on it in a couple of days

I am using it with an iphone4s so I wont have the benefit of cortana.

Looks like an interesting device.

How does it compare to other fitness kit and how much does it cost?

In the UK will retail at £169

Me and some other journalists were given the walk through by MS head of new devices, hats off to her, she went through quite a few of the exercise routines even while talking to us (an impressive feat).

I don't have anything to compare it against as this will be my first experience with wearable tech, I am definitely the right test case for this device within my company though as

A) being a techie the thought of attaching sensors to my body is strangely appealing :D
B) I definitely need to lose some weight and get fitter
C) I have a timeline which is in line with my self interest as I have a two week holiday coming up to Ibiza and I want to be able to wear beach clothes and not be self conscious over my weight
D) I am one of the few people within my area that fully appreciate the future implications of this device I am strapping to my wrist

I will start by doing a two day baseline (normal activities) and then slowly ramp this up, my standard heart rate seems a little high (78) but according to this http://www.livescience.com/42081-normal-heart-rate.html that is within tolerance for the human body.

My main concern is my heart rate after light exercise and the amount of time it takes to get back to normal, these are way off the norm.

Not that I needed advanced sensors to tell me how unfit I am but I am the sort of mind that requires empirical evidence for my actions.

Great another device for hypochondriacs and people who want to brag.

What ever happened to just doing some exercise and eating right?


It's a goal setting device for people I guess.

£169 is a bit much for a wristwatch with a few microchips though. That's about as much as you pay for a low-mid range phone - but then maybe I'm just cheap.