I Hate Going By Budget But Now I Have One So

well i usually hat going by budget as most of the time i feel whenever i ask you guys to build by a budget, it seems like it's way to powerful (therefore expensive and unnecesary) for my needs, however, now that i have a budget(rather 2) i would now appreciate it if you guys could make me the best gaming pc possible(that's still well rounded enough for other tasks, nothing like movie level editing and rendering) for 2 different budgets. but before i list them, i'll say how i'm getting them. simply, i'm participating in a medical study. one gives $80 per visit, and after it's over i'll have $720, the other only gives $50 per visit, but in the end i get more @ $750, either way i'll plop an extra $150-$250 to get it to $900-$1000 total($1k is really pushing it though), i think that's at least somewhat reasonable to build a half decent full system


so basically i need the best gaming pc possible for $900(do a seperate $1000 as well. i just want to see what's possible so please do both) NOTE: it needs to be a full system, so not only hardware and OS, but monitor, keyboard, mouse, and mousepad as well.

i have selected the mouse already, but here are my requirements for the rest and some other stuff

keyboard: mechanical, any cherry MX switch, backlit, wired, made for gaming.

monitor: 5ms or less response time, 60hz or better refresh rate, 20 inch or bigger, 1920X1080, HDMI input if posible

mousepad: 11 inch by 9 inch or bigger, 1 solid color or as little design/other stuff as possible, extremely smooth/untextured/no feedback, made for optical mice, gamer/gaming oriented(no office depot/cubicle stuff :p)

CASE: just make sure it has good airflow, and at LEAST 2-3 120mm or larger fans

other: needs a DVD writer drive. needs it.

here is mouse and OS, so build me the best $900 (and the best $1k as well) gaming pc starting from here:


why don't you build your own pc and we can give you feedback 

That price point for a full setup is extremely tight.

This is the best I could come up with if you actually wanna buy the OS http://pcpartpicker.com/p/GN3s

This is one where you can get windows by other means (win7 iso on a usb flash drive+windows loader) http://pcpartpicker.com/p/GN5P

Not sure if you have money than $750 since theres a lot of mail-in rebates

I tried D:



Wait what is you budget??? is it $750 or $1470???

This is probably the best you're going to be able to do with such a low budget: http://pcpartpicker.com/p/GNd8

Gaming will be absolutely one hundred percent rubbish on that system, you're better off with a Pentium and HD7750. But for everyday use, the APU will be just fine I guess.

$750, but it's too low, so i'm gonna give you guys a bit more breathing room $900-$1000 for the whole thing, i'll also update the main post so anyone else can see

Everything you just said is wrong. A pentium would bottleneck a 7750 like crazy, and the APUs are actually pretty decent as long as you pair them with some fast ram. It's obviously not the ideal gaming rig, but it will be good enough, and, believe it or not, the APUs have around the same processing power as the Phenom II's. 

Updated, didn't like the $750 builds, i'll throw $150-$250 of my own money on top of it.

  • Best I could do for around $900 w/ a 7870:http://pcpartpicker.com/p/GPss
  • With a 7770 Ghz edition you can get a few better parts:http://pcpartpicker.com/p/GPyN 

I personally use something like this. Same motherboard, [really awesome mobo, this is great for when you get ~$120 to Xfire the graphics] same CPU, same Graphics card, and same power supply, and I can say that this is a pretty nice system. 1080p with max setting? no. But you can still do pretty well in most games without sacrificing much.

  • http://pcpartpicker.com/p/GPFa In case you were wondering about Xfireing the GFX card. Don't worry you wont have to upgrade the power supply. (Gonna cost ~$1000)
  • And then for ~$1000 again you can get yourself a 7870 and be sitting very pretty http://pcpartpicker.com/p/GPIz

could you order them from greatest-least performance, also could you throw in a quality DVD writer on all of them please?

also aren't the pheonom's a tad outdated? i mean the bulldozer (FX-x1xx) are like a 2%-5% increase to the Pheonom's right?(heard about the problems causeing them to be this low) and then the upgraded piledriver's(FX-x3xx) are like a 5%-20% on those right? adn then an i-3 2nd and 3rd gen are like 3%-10% better than those even. RIGHT? that's up to a 10%-35% decrease in power. i mean, from what i heard this is what i'm understanding.

you do know i said i WON'T be doing movie level rendering(actually no rendering) and only LIGHT video editing, like putting clips together and adding sounds/music/commentary for like let's plays, and montages. and i'll be using a tip to get virtually NO lag while recording gameplay, it also makes it MUCH easier for the PC to run the game while recording link here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jw6YAoai8fQ

1K build= http://pcpartpicker.com/p/GSrQ

Outdated? No. Old? Yes.But old doesn't mean not good. For the price to performance, you can't beat the 965 or 955 x4 CPUs and for your price range...you not getting any better.

If you want a better CPU, you're going to pay a bit more than ~$90.

Yes I do know what you said about heavy rendering. I also do some light rendering/editing, gameplay with added voice and such. My rig handles it just fine.

And yes I record videos the EXACT same way :P