I hate coding

I'm being force fed VB 2012 to graduate this semester and boy is it horrible. I have no interest in the class (online) and working fulltime doesn't help the motivation any.

Want some routing tables done? VLAN implemented? Network topology designed? I've done it all, but this VB stuff is just boring to me. Cudos to you code monkeys for having the patience to learn this.

Anyone have any website to assist in learning this 'language' at?

don't feel bad. my college career will be spent being force fed java. to me its also a terrible language.

Currently being force fed Java in my AP Compsci class.  I really want to learn C++.  Not enough to self-learn it, though.

If you really want to learn C++, probably the best first step is learning Java.  C++ is too hard of a language to learn unless you have already been exposed to a language like Java or C#.  If you did start with C++, you will have to learn too many concepts, coding techniques, and methodologies all at once.  Even if you are proficient with several scripting languages like PHP and Python, you will find it challenging to start with C++ as your first compiled language.   If you learn Java well, you will know about 85% of C++’s syntax and understand Object Oriented programming.  At that point, you can just focus on the differences between Java and C++ and the particular peculiarities and quirks of C++ instead of being flooded with all of what C++ is all at once.

You should be thankful that you are learning a language that is actually useful, and probably the most marketable language to know.  When I was in high school, my computer math class was taught in Pascal.  Pascal is completely useless language that no uses, not even back when they were teaching it.  And knowing Pascal offered little help in learning C++, something I had to do quickly my first semester of college.

please, dont hate coding. coding has done nothing but make your life better.

I do kind of agree with you on that, but I also think that it's entirely possible to learn C++ as a first programming language. That's what I did, and it wasn't really too bad. Once you understand the basics (variables/control statements), it's pretty easy to move onto the more difficult things. I'd almost go so far as to say that learning something simpler would make you less likely to understand some of the less...sensible things in C++. Like how pointers actually work. Honestly, it's all about personal preference. Some people just like other languages. Another thing worth mentioning is that knowing C++ first just makes everything else after it a breeze.

Except assembly.

Everything except assembly.


I'm going to go ahead an tell you that VB is my least favorite language out of all the ones I've learned. Absolute least favorite. That being said, it's all mostly plain English, so just make sure you don't over-complicate things. It's never quite as difficult as you'd imagine it is.

Now to actually help you out, there are a few things you'll want to do. Make sure to have a good reference to look at. For VB, you can look at the MSDN website. It usually has all of the built in classes, functions, and other stuff you'd need to use. If you need an example of how to use a function, or want to look up something like how to make a timer, you can just search it up in the top right corner. A reference like this is really invaluable when you're trying to do something you've never done before.

link 1: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/sh9ywfdk.aspx

^That's the link to the site I was mentioning.

Aside from that, there's another site that I really love when looking at new programming languages I've never seen before. It's called learnxinyminutes (I'll post a link below). It's basically a quick example of how to use all the basic stuff in the language written in plain code with comments to help you understand it. If that isn't enough, there's a link to an expanded tutorial on VB at the bottom of the page (I'll go ahead and link that here as well, though I haven't really looked at it, so I can't say how good or bad it might be).

link 2: http://learnxinyminutes.com/docs/visualbasic/ (I really love this site)

link 3: http://www.vbbootcamp.co.uk/ (don't know about this one)


-- TL:DR --

link 1: reference page for looking up how to use functions

link 2: awesome page about how to use the basic elements of VB

link 3: more in depth tutorial that I haven't really looked at, but it might help

Dude, thanks on the learnxinyminutes website. It looks awesome! Will be digging trough it in my free time :)

No problem. One of my friends recommended it, and I've been using it ever since. It's easily one of the best programming resources I've ever found. I go there nearly every time I'm looking into a new language, or going back to a language I haven't used in awhile.

Exactly. Pretty much you should have at least a knowledge in programming. Want to make a game (commonly asked question)? Start programming. Want to improve Mantle? Start programming. Want to make an application that protects your privacy? Start programming. I know I don't like it but this is part of your career. Going off with only knowledge in hardware doesn't really broaden your knowledge that much in the big IT world. You got to have at least achieved something in the world of programming.

You poor soul.

I hated VB so much in high school. I can only imagine being forced to work with .net through those ugly Dim End If goggles.