I got a RTX 3080 (not ti) at 775$ USD. Should I keep it ?
I currently have a 2080 and I play a lot of flight sim in VR. It’s running decent at the moment but could use the extra performance from a 3080.
But I’m also thinking about getting a new VR headset in the future with better resolution which might require the 3080 or even better a 40 series card.
Just wanting to get some opinions/thoughts.
I’m not on a budget but do not want to spend needlessly.
Wondering if I should return it or keep. Didn’t open it yet.
I would keep the Nividia 3080 for two main reasons. The first reason is every article I have read says Nividia doesn’t have any prototypes of the Nividia 4000 cards. So the earliest they would have something to purchase would be the first quarter of 2023 (very unlikely) second quarter would be more likely third quarter would be my guess. The second reason I have heard rumors is that the Nividia 4080 card’s suggested Manufacturer retail price will be somewhere between $1,000 and 2,000 for only 20% faster than Nividia 3080.
Of course, it is speculation the Nividia cards don’t exist yet, not even in prototype form. How can Nividia decide on what to charge when they don’t know how much it will cost to manufacture the Nividia 4000 cards. I still think the best option for @Z3r07 is to keep the Nividia 3080 and purchase a new VR headset.
Seriously though, if going the VR route on a decent HMD then a 3080 is the minimum you want. You can do VR on a 3060 / 3070, but you’ll need to reduce settings for smooth fps. I have a 3090 and it rocks at VR Ultra settings.
There are some serious deals available now. Don’t wait for the 4000 series, take advantage of the pricing drops. Who knows what scalpers, epidemic or crisis is coming to force up future pricing.