I give up. 500 Dollar PC

I can't bring the price of this build down for the life of me. Since I'm selling my Wii and Kinect I have a 500 dollar budget now (Including OS, KB/M) and I want to convert to PC gaming.

This is what I have, please do what you can and change things that won't lower performance. I'll be playing Free to play games like War Thunder, Planetside 2, Team Fortress 2, etc... Battlefield 3 will be the most demanding game that I plan on playing.


HELP! I'll love you forever.

dont get the watercooler put that money into the graphics card

But it's so cheap! I might be a woman due to my strong impulse buying.

Best I can do. http://pcpartpicker.com/p/I1Tk

PS2 is a very demanding game, you would need to increase your budget by about $200 to paly that.


I know PS2 is demanding, mainly because of optimization. I've seen youtube vids of guys with weak CPU's getting great frame rates while others get pretty average frame rates. Problem with your build is that it doesn't have an OS, which I need as well :/


Put windows on flash drive. No need for dvd drive. Get it for free (same way you get any software free)

This is actually gonna be my first PC so I don't have an old machine to pillage. Plus what else could I use besides windows?

You could use Linux but...Windows is super easy to get for free + has more compatibility. Soon here though, Linux will be the better gaming OS. For now, get windows.

you could remove window and get help from a old frend call google and keep every thing on you list intact 

without window 7 it cost 467$ it could be a option or install linux (ubuntu) and install a program call "playOnLinux"' the programe lets you run games that are make for window no idk how it work cuz i did not install ubuntu on my machine to play whit it yet mabie later i will by removing window 7 you could save some money and get your built whithout sacrificing performance sorry for my bad spelling my main language is french hope it help 

Do you have a pc around the house that has Windows 7 installed already that you canniballize? If so, take the hard drive out of that and part out that optical drive into the new chassis. You can alocate the savings into a better GPU. Also, what resolution do you plan on playing at? Will you run it on the tv you had your consoles on?

Je parle Francais aussi, j'ai une classe de Francais dans l'ecole. Je ne connais pas comment installer Linux mais je examiner comment. Comment est ma Francais?

How to get for Windows for free? I've heard Linux is good but it's also not too supported.

No actually, I do have my laptop HDD that has Windows 7 but I'm giving that laptop away to someone who needs it. And I will play on a nice 24'' 1920X1080p monitor.

How does anyone get software for free.

Shady websites and torrents?

I'd do my best to steer clear from the OS torrents as much as possible. Looks like you are gonna have to dig around and sell some other stuff you haven't used in a while. If you wanna play at 1080p you're gonna have to pony up for a decent card at least a gtx 560 or HD 7770. Or you can pass up the GPU and play at 720p w/ the A10 APU for now until you can scrounge up enough cheddar for a better gpu that what you got listed.

pas pire pas pire ton francais

I'd go with Spenlard's build. It looks really good for your situation and the mobo can take you to AM3+

http://pcpartpicker.com/p/KSLL Just replace the 570 with the 7850, it's better.

This is gonna have to cut it, gonna have to sell some stuff and borrow money from my dad. 

I really like spenlard's build. If you cant find the os for free, get a cheeper processor and gpu (athlon and 7770 like me) then upgrade latter.