I've been on an Amiga kick for a year or two now. Just learning and researching as usual.
I recently found this: https://gunkrist79.wixsite.com/amibian
Which is baiscally UAE built into a linux environment of some sort. Essentially you take your Ras Pi, plop this in, get your roms and what version of the OS you want to run, figure out your storage, set up the emulator, and boom you're done! Then you do what you want to with your "New Amiga".
I have a Ras Pi 1 so I'll have to over clock it which won't be a problem. UAE doesn't use much ram, only like 15mb so the 256mb of ram could mostly get forked over to the amiga. Especially if I wanted to run OS 3.9 or 4. 4.1 is PPC only though and my pi won't be able to do that.
But, I wanted to make my pi DO something that wasn't a shitty arts and crafts project like a robot or a DS. I wanted a PC but its in that gray area of pentium 2 / pentium 3 where its cool, but it doesn't really run anything, and it doesn't support very much, and it'll have a pile of issues if I try to use it as a normal linux computer. If I had a Pi 3 it would be a great linux box, but I only have this. Running a UAE environment for development and demo's, and even to have a teeny tiny PC that I might make into a laptop and do stuff with on the go? Plus with it being an Amiga it will use the pi to the fullest.
Its exactly the thing I need.