I exhausted all my attempts with windows 10 update

Im at my wits end here. I cant get it to update to the next build. I am on the slow track and im stuck on build 1511 and I want to get on 1607.

Steps Ive taken

All diagnostics and repair.
Restore points to a good point
Rolled back to previous build only to have it go back to being stuck at 1511
Ive done a ton of other extensive diagnostics
I have tried to manually install it only to have it fail right at 99 percent.

So what the hell do I do LOL

You know where you are, right? We're all going to tell you to install Linux.

After reading the steps you took, my next move in this case would be to simply nuke the drive and re-install Win10 from scratch.


and make sure you do not have a mem issue or something. My mb has an built in test/reset on the board. Download and clean install from 1607 avoid the upgrading from the previous. I basically avoid the upgrade path.

Out of interest when it fails it usually gives you an error code of some kind at least from the manual install? What was the error code you got or message?

Did you download the file or are you just trying to get it through windows updates?

You can manually find it here.

edit fail didn't see that you did it manually.

Nope i couldnt get an error code at all which is frustrating

Like I have to clean install.. FUCK

You know what happens when i do that.. windows standalone installer says this update is not applicable to my system

ya :( I do mostly to save the windows update time.........we all know how long that takes. Usb and go create current release media :(

licensing issue ? or hardware related

Yea seeing how many options you've tried, a clean install would be a possible fix. Perhaps install 10 on another drive and see if you can get an update just to make sure.

After all the trouble you've gone through a clean install isn't a bad option. Honestly, if you have a decent backup strategy it is really fast to get back online. I have all my documents/music/videos on one drive, all my steam/bnet/origin games on another. For me it's just a matter of reinstalling web browsers, adobe cc, and office etc. Maybe an hour tops and you're back in business.

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This is the way forward. Things are getting dumbed down to stop average user from tinkering with software.

delete the SoftwareDistrobution folder in C:/Windows

reboot and try updating

Have you messed with windows settings, in an effort to disable telemetrey etc?
This could be a knock on from that.
I vote backup, and do a clean install.

I love you all.. Its nice to see a good amount of support on this forum ever since the change. Anyways uhmm yeah so license.. How do I back it up so I don't need to. Mess with too many calls to. Microsoft

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Once win10 has been activated it is logged by MS. Your PC will just auto activate after a clean install.

Give the official troubleshooting tool a try before resorting to a clean install.


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this. It's tied to your motherboard. so as long as you don't swap your motherboard during a reinstall, your machine will auto activate itself from M$

Shit I'm planning an upgrade in a few months it's off topic but how do I transfer the license